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Rest hook still calling - Application removed


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We had a developer create an app that integrates Infusionsoft with our IPB a few years ago. 

We uninstalled the app a few years ago, but we were told yesterday that it is still sending "thousands" of calls per second to our Infusionsoft account.   Here is the call that is being sent to Infusionsoft: 


The app name was fbfinfusionsoft.  When we go to the applications this application is no longer installed: https://d.pr/i/K1SCAS 

What am I missing? How do I disable this from sending the calls to Infusionsoft?

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If you click the URL, you'll see that it does not exist: http://www.fastbusinessforum.com/applications/fbfinfusionsoft/interface/resthook.php

I don't understand how this URL could be sending anything. Are you sure the URL isn't receiving thousands of requests? If so, you'd need to disable those requests from where-ever is sending them (I would assume something within InfusionSoft).

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2 hours ago, Cory_DSL said:

We did a few days ago and Rhett said the same thing as above. 

To clarify you have two licenses that showing on your account, one is self hosted and one in our cloud, sorry for any confusion, but those files do not exist in the cloud site as Brandon mentioned. 

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