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hook on \IPS\cms\Recordsx

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I would extend $databaseColumnMap adding "poll" => "poll_state" but I don't know how.

Currently I have a hook on __construct() Records.php but when i try to call statically the class like \IPS\cms\Records1::$databaseColumnMap["poll"] it is not called yet...

I see \IPS\cms\Application have a autoload, how I can interact when class is evalued/initialized?

$multitons could help me here?

anyone use another spl_autoload_register to permise it?

Your hook would just need to override the $databaseColumnMap property (rather than a method).

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Can I extend $databaseColumnMap instead of override?

	 * @brief	Database Column Map
	public static $databaseColumnMap;
	 * @brief	[Records] Custom Database Id
	public static $customDatabaseId;
	 * Constructor - Create a blank object with default values
	 * @return	void
	public function __construct()
		$return = call_user_func_array( 'parent::__construct', func_get_args() );
		static::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] = 'poll_state';
		return $return;

currently I have this

Try array_merge() and don't re-declare $databaseColumnMap or $customDatabaseId - so just do this:

	 * Constructor - Create a blank object with default values
	 * @return	void
	public function __construct()
		$return = call_user_func_array( 'parent::__construct', func_get_args() );
		static::$databaseColumnMap = array_merge( static::$databaseColumnMap, array( 'poll' => 'poll_state' ) );
		return $return;


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but when I call statically the class it don't call constructor... only if I create new object "new \IPS\cms\Records1" I would extend the variable when call like \IPS\cms\Records1::$databaseColumnMap["poll"]

It's not currently possible to overload static properties via class extensions without redefining the entire property all over again - this is a PHP limitation (which may cause some complications if there are multiple plugins attempting to do the same thing - depending on the order of execution, you may overwrite another plugins changes).

Can you explain what it is you're attempting to accomplish? Typically, you really shouldn't need to reference the column map outside of an object context.

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i will enable polls for pages app, according to

Next, add a poll key to your $databaseColumnMap with the value being the name of the database column that stores the poll ID for this item (note, you can only have one poll per content item).

I have some check to create poll_state column into each database but I am stopped at this point... I will take care of others plugin/app otherwise I had overriden the var.

Oh, well doing it the way I suggested is fine - correct, it will not be present when called statically, but you should never need to call it statically outside of an object context, in which __construct() will always be run.

So, if you take a look at the methods in that article - they are all in an object context except for canCreatePoll(), which doesn't need to reference the column map - just to ensure the user can post polls.

So, your plugin would be (as an example):

class _MyClass extends \IPS\cms\Records implements \IPS\Content\Polls, \SplObserver
	public function __construct()
		$return = parent::__construct();
		static::$databaseColumnMap = array_merge( static::$databaseColumnMap, array( 'poll' => 'poll_state' ) );
		return $return;

	public static function canCreatePoll( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, $container = NULL )
		return TRUE;

	public function getPoll()
		$pollColumn = static::$databaseColumnMap['poll'];
		$poll = NULL;
		if ( $this->$pollColumn )
				$poll = \IPS\Poll::load( $this->$pollColumn );
			catch( \OutOfRangeException $e ) {}
		return $poll;

	public function update( \IPS\Poll $poll )


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When I try to build custom table and check the RouterContent extension the constructor is not called for each class... like:

foreach ( \IPS\Content::routedClasses( FALSE, FALSE, TRUE ) as $class )
	if ( mb_strpos( $class, 'IPS\cms\Records' ) !== FALSE and is_numeric( mb_substr( $class, 15, 1 ) ) )
		if ( !in_array( 'IPS\cms\Records', get_declared_classes() ) )
			new $class; // this call the contructor... bad?
	if ( in_array( 'IPS\Content\Polls', class_implements( $class ) ) AND isset( $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] ) )
		\IPS\Db::i()->select( $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnId .",". $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'].",".........................

I would avoid to call constructor into this way...

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foreach (\IPS\Content::routedClasses(false, false, true) as $class)
	if (in_array('IPS\Content\Polls', class_implements($class)))
		$obj = new $class;
		if (isset($class::$databaseColumnMap['poll']))


As I said, it looks like you will need to redefine $databaseColumnMap to add the poll key. You can have a hook like this and nothing else if you need:

class hookX extends classY
 static protected $databaseColumnMap = array
	'poll'	=> 'pollcolumn'


As Ryan noted, multiple hooks on the same area of code attempting to do the same thing would overwrite each other, however, so keep that in mind.

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3 hours ago, bfarber said:

As Ryan noted, multiple hooks on the same area of code attempting to do the same thing would overwrite each other, however, so keep that in mind.

Yes, the solution here seems to extend constructor to avoid conflicts... but personally I don't like it.

I won't override some multitons instance (I am not sure what I am talking ?) or create one and don't take care of __destruct... if I found a better way I report here.

Many thanks to all answers.

  • 2 months later...
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Yes I solved now, spl_autoload_register was bring me crazy

class advpolls_hook_application extends _HOOK_CLASS_
	public static function afterSPLAutoloads( $class )
		if ( mb_substr( $class, 0, 15 ) === 'IPS\cms\Records' and is_numeric( mb_substr( $class, 15, 1 ) ) )
			$class::$databaseColumnMap['poll'] = 'poll_state';
\spl_autoload_register( ['\IPS\cms\advpolls_hook_application','afterSPLAutoloads'], TRUE, TRUE);

I can continue, if you have any advice, I would appreciate it


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