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Tracker suggestions


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Okay before you go rolling your eyes like, "Oh geez, not HIM again!" just hear me out on this.

Not gonna harp on the lack of features compared to the app that was previously being used. Instead, going to focus on things I believe could be improved.

1. Filter based on the "Fixed in" field. Doing searches for the version a report is for is nice indeed, but being able to look at a list of reports of bugs fixed for a version would totally rock.

2. Category view (list of projects), show name of last person to post in a report, not the original poster.

3. List view, add in the name of the last person to post and the date/time. I'm thinking in similar style to a forums topic list, except that shows who made the topic and when it was made.

4. Move the "Client Resources" from the left side to the right side. As it is now, on a smaller screen, everything is cramped. Not a welcome sight. Either that or move the other stuff to the left.

5. In the future, try to not have confusing version numbers. Many people submitted reports as 3.4.0 instead of 3.4.0 (Final), which is understandable. I'm sure I did the same thing for one or two reports.

All minor things but I believe would help greatly with the use of the tracker as it is now.

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1) I'll consider. It can be done now with just toggling a field.

2 & 3) Things I want to look in to after the next major version, but we can't do this in a resource efficient manner right now, because the last person to comment on a record is not stored with the record data, so we'd have to query this information for each record on the page. It's on my list.

5) Submit for either version, it won't matter and we understand what is referenced. When we move to 4.0, yes all of the versions are going to undergo a major update.

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1. Filter based on the "Fixed in" field. Doing searches for the version a report is for is nice indeed, but being able to look at a list of reports of bugs fixed for a version would totally rock.

1) I'll consider. It can be done now with just toggling a field.

Just to make sure I didn't say it wrong, I'm not talking about replacing the version filter available now. Instead, adding another. Current one has been useful, so don't want to lose it, just would be easier to track what has been fixed for the next release.

For #5, it was more of a thing of trying to track how many reports were submitted and such and it's a tad difficult to have to hunt and select two or more versions each time.
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1. Filter based on the "Fixed in" field. Doing searches for the version a report is for is nice indeed, but being able to look at a list of reports of bugs fixed for a version would totally rock.

1) I'll consider. It can be done now with just toggling a field.

It's available now, YAY!!! Thanks, Brandon. :frantics:
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