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New soft delete feature


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I'm a little confused about this one too. It seems to be a moderator/admin tool more than a members tool %7Boption%7D. The Delete button is still present beneath each post, Set Visible (Approve) and Set Invisible (Unapprove) are still moderator post options, but now there is a Restore Deleted Posts option in the drop down too. I'm assuming that you can quickly restore a deleted post from the Trashcan from within the topic, instead of going to the Trash Can and then moving it back?

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Back when this was first brought up, it was a huge commotion over it.

The difference between a soft delete and "unapproved" is you wont get that annoying red link that there are posts awaiting approval, and you can also give a reason for the post being deleated.

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It's totally different because if you unapprove a post you want to "hide from view" as you put it, how does the rest of the moderators know if the post was "hidden" or if it still awaits approval??

Soft deleting it makes sure that everyone knows that the post is actually deleted and does not await approval.

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The unapprove feature is for members that you put in moderation qeue(spelling?). It's great because their posts has to be approved before going "live" so they can't post junk or spam the forum because the posts are unapproved upon posting and has to be approved by a moderator.

I strongly suggest you to keep it. However, if you wish to disable it it's your call.
Unfortunately I do not know how - or even if it's possible - to do so.

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