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Error messages in e-mail sent by CPanel

Guest SecondSight

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Hello ! :)

I'm making a backup every day and CPanel sends me an e-mail. Today, in the e-mail, I found this line :

Copying homedir..../bin/gtar: ./public_html/uploads/uploads/av-325.gif: Cannot open: Permission denied

/bin/gtar: ./public_html/uploads/av-378.jpg: Cannot open: Permission denied

/bin/gtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors


So I'm wondering why I get this "permission denied" error today (and not before).

I've had a look at the two files inside my uploads directory.

I noticed that for the files, the owner and group could be :
root root
myaccount myaccount

The two files, which had been uploaded on the 19th of June 2004, are chmoded 444 (the other files are all chmoded 777, 755 or 644) and for both files owner and group are : root

In another directory I used for backing the files, I see that the files are chmoded 777 and the user isn't root but myaccount.

The question I'm asking myself is : why do I get this error message today ?...

Thank you ! :)

It could possibly be the recent new stable cPanel version has a new backup method in it, try changing the file permissions to 644 from 444 and see if that still throws an error.


Hello ! :)

I tried chmoding the file using SmartFTP and I got this error :
550 Could not change perms on av-325.gif: Permission denied
Then I used WinSCP to do it but it froze and when I connected again the file no longer appeared. It looks like it has been deleted...


If you are getting permission denied still, you would need to check the files are infact set to username:username, if you you need to

chown username:username av-378.jpg

Or to do all files in the current directory

chown username:username *

Be careful though if you don't know what you are doing, don't do it.


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