The foundation of Pages (the application) is the page (the thing).
To alleviate confusion in these tutorials, the application "Pages" will always be referred to with a capital letter; pages within the application or community will be lowercase.
A page is a container for content. Depending on your needs, a page can simply contain simple content (whether that's plain text, or rich content with images, embeds, and the other things you're used from our other applications), or more complex content like blocks and databases (see later steps to find out more about those).
If you are comfortable with code, you can also use all of our standard template logic in a page, allowing for some highly custom results. For those who aren't comfortable with coding, there's an easy page builder, allowing you to drag and drop components into your page.
A page has a URL, and can be automatically added to your menu navigation when you create it, if you wish.
A page can also have custom permissions, allowing you to restrict who can or cannot access the page. This is great if you want to build special sections of your site, perhaps for staff or premium members only.
Prior to Invision Community 4.3, Pages were not searchable (although external search engines such as Google will index them). However, if you have a database on a page, the content of the database will be searchable.
Pages are created via the AdminCP, by navigating to Pages -> Pages. A directory listing of your current pages will be shown. Folders are supported here as you'd expect; the URL of the page will reflect this structure. For example, a page called index in a folder called guides will have the URL <your community URL>/guides/index.
When you click the Add Page button, you are asked whether you want to use the Page Builder or Manual HTML.
Page Builder
After creating the page in the AdminCP, you'll be able to go to the front-end to add content to your page, using drag and drop from the sidebar manager. This option is best for those not familiar with HTML. -
Manual HTML
When you choose this option, you'll be provided with a code editor to create your page. Within this code editor you're free to use HTML, as well as the full range of template logic supported by IPS4. With this method, you insert other items (blocks, databases etc.) into the page by using special tags. A sidebar on the editor show you the available tags.
If you've created a page using the Page Builder options, after saving the configuration in the AdminCP, you can head over to the page on the front-end to manage its content (click the View Page option from the menu on the page listing screen to easily navigate to it).
By default, the page will be empty. Click the sidebar toggle to open the sidebar and see the available widgets. All of the usual widgets are available to you from across the suite, but under the Pages category are a handful of special reusable widgets:
Of these, WYSIWYG Editor is the one you'd be most likely to use when setting up your pages. It gives you a standard IPS4 rich text editor to add content to the page. Simply drag it into a location on your page, then click the Edit button to access the editor. We won't cover the other blocks here since they are specific to other kinds of functionality within Pages.
When you create a page using manual HTML, you can choose how much of the standard IPS4 wrapper you start with. By default, the suite wrapper is included in the output. This encompasses the header, menu navigation etc., meaning the content of your page is inserted inside this wrapper. With this option disabled, the suite wrapper isn't used - you'll be responsible for providing this (you can however choose a custom page wrapper you've created).
If you use the suite wrapper, you can also choose whether the standard sidebar is included in the output. The content you enter into the code editor forms the main page content, and the sidebar will be managed as usual with drag and drop on the front-end.
When you create a page, you can easily add it to your site's main navigation menu under the Menu tab on the page edit screen. Alternatively, you can add it to the menu manually via the normal menu management process.
Often you will wish to set the pages application as your default application, so that you can show a page you created as your default homepage. For this, along with how to create a basic homepage, please refer to the following guide.