Once you have installed your suite you will will likely want to set up some members of staff to moderate the different areas of your suite, and maybe other members who can assist you with various administration functions. These people are referred to as Moderators and Administrators.
Before we go into the setup of these, its important to understand the difference between Administrators and Moderators. At its most basic, Administrators are those members who can access areas of your AdminCP. Nobody at all can access your AdminCP without being set up as an administrator in some way. Conversely, moderators are those members who can access staff functions on the public facing side of your site. So moderation actions such as deleting posts, moving a gallery image, or editing someone's comment, may fall under these actions.
Pay special attention to the permissions you are assigning to moderators on your forum, and ensure moderator permissions are only given to users in which you trust to edit content within your community.
Moderators can be set up by visiting the following area
Members -> Staff -> Moderators -> Add Moderator
Once you have selected to add a moderator, you can add either a group, or an individual member.
Once you have selected a member or group, then saved, it will be immediately added to the list of moderators. You can then edit the permissions this moderator entry has access to if required. By default they will have all permissions
An option will then be given to select whether you wish for switching to a moderator with more restricted permissions. You can also choose whether or not to show your members the moderator badge
If you select to show restricted permissions, you will be given the option to select/deselect which options you choose for the moderator to have permissions to use.
There may be times where you wish for a moderator only to have access to permissions in specific sections of your site. For example, a moderator for a specific forum. When you deselect an option, you will see a new tab appear for each individual section. For example here, we have disabled the "Can edit all content" option
The item(s) you deselected then appear on item specific tabs. So for example here, we have enabled 3 permissions only on 2 forums.
Moderators can be set up by visiting the following area
Members -> Staff -> Administrators-> Add Administrator
Once you have selected to add an administrator, you can add either a group, or an individual member.
Once you have selected a member or group, then saved, it will be immediately added to the list of administrators. You can then edit the permissions this administrator entry has access to if required. By default they will have all permissions
If you select to show restricted permissions, you will be given the option to select/deselect areas in which you wish the administrator to have permissions to use. Any which are not selected, will not be visible to that user/group
One important concept to note here is that for someone to have "Full access" to everything both in the admin CP and on the public facing part of your site, they would be set up both as an Administrator, and as a Moderator.
Permissions for administrators and moderators are additive. So if a member has 2 groups, of which both have moderator entries, they will gain the higher of any 2 permissions. The exception to this rule is if the member themselves are added to the moderator section. If they are added as an individual, then this will override any other moderator permissions.