Members and Groups
Social Sign In
Learn how to allow members to sign in with Facebook, Twitter and other services.
5 guides in this category
Before we start worrying about managing members we must first decide how members actually register on your community. In the AdminCP go to System -> Login & Registration, under the registration tab you will see a page with various options. Registration Options Key Options Allow new registrations = You might want your community to be completely private where you manually create new members. If that is the case then just completely disable registrations. W
Adding members manually, or indeed editing existing member, is something you will need to do from time to time, during the running of your community. You can see a list of all your current members, and add/edit members, from the following location within your ACP Members -> Members -> Members Members - ACP Adding New Members To add a member, select the "Create New Member" button in the top right of the Member section of the ACP. This will then sho
Member groups allow you broad control over what your members can and cannot do, see, and interact with on your community. Members must have a primary group (by default it's Members) but can also have multiple secondary groups. The primary group is what displays under their name but they also inherit the permissions of any secondary groups they are in. Much of the core permission structure of your community will be set up in this area so take some time to look around at all the member group
There are often rules on sites in which people will use to promote members to another group. For example, you may have a rule on your site which states when a member reaches a 1000 posts, you would add them to an advanced member group. Within the Invision Community platform, you can do this automatically, based on rules which you provide to the system. Group Promotion Rules You would set up group promotion rules within the following area of the ACP Members -> Membe
In any community there will always be information you want to capture about your members which is not provided within the core product. These may be information needed for administration purposes, or items which you wish to have displayed within profile, or content items. In the IPS Community Suite, we provide the ability to set up many of these, grouping in a way in which is appropriate to your site. Setting Up Profile fields can be set up within the following location within