Getting The Basics
10 guides in this category
Introduction Commerce is a multi functional tool which allows you to sell products, both physical and digital to your members. This can be a useful way in which to generate revenue on your community, whether it be a member subscription you wish to encourage, or a physical item in which you wish to sell directly on your site Commerce Store Features The commerce platforms has many features available to you, in order to ensure you can sell y
Products Products are the things which are available in the store for users to buy. Most Products are Normal Products, but if you want to sell Advertisements or Hosting Plans, these are also types of Products. For more information about how to create Products, see Products & Purchases. Invoices Invoices, or Orders as they are called on the front-end, are the things that say a particular user is buying particular things. They can be created in 3 ways: When
Commerce provides integration with several different providers for taking payment. Details on each of the available payment methods are below. Most communities find that setting up two methods works best: one which accepts credit cards, and PayPal for customers who prefer to use that. Once you have decided which provider(s) to use and created accounts with them, go to Commerce > Payments > Settings > Payment Methods in your AdminCP to set them up. Stripe
PayPal support on your product can be set up quite easily, for your customers to purchase items within commerce. This can be used either for one-off payments or for billing agreements that allow for recurring payments such as for a monthly subscription. You would set up any payment method, including the PayPal payment method, from the following location in your AdminCP Commerce > Payments > Settings > Payment Methods PayPal Application Before we can s
Stripe support on your product can be set up quite easily, for your customers to purchase items within commerce. This can be used either for one-off payments or for recurring payments via card. Stripe supports various items such as card payments, apple/android pay, alipay and more. You would set up any payment method, including the Stripe payment method, from the following location in your AdminCP Commerce > Payments > Settings > Payment Methods Stripe API K
In addition to the Payment methods discussed in the previous guide, there are various other setup options relating to payments within the commerce application. These can all be found within the Commerce>payments>Settings section of the Admin CP. Each of the tabs in this section are discussed below. Currencies From this tab you can set up various currencies that you plan to use within the commerce system. This will mean you can then add a price for more than one currency.
All payment methods which support accepting credit card details directly (Stripe, and PayPal when in card mode) allow users to store their card details on file. This offers a number of benefits: When checking out in the future, the user will not have to enter their card details again. If the user purchases something with a renewal charge, that payment will be taken automatically when it is due. This can happen even if the renewal fee changes (for example, the user upgrades their pa
Introduction When selling physical items in commerce, you may want to ensure that you pass shipment costs on to your customers. Invision Community Suite provides functionality to do this, both as a standalone item, and with integration through EasyPost if you wish to integrate with a 3rd party shipping provider. Setting Shipment Rates Shipment rates can be set up from within the commerce system in the following location of your ACP Commerce -> Payments -> Ship
Within commerce you will often need to take a look at a member from a 'customer' point of view. You can do this within the commerce system from a customer view which is separate from that of the community member profile in the ACP. This can provide you with information such as what purchases a customer has made, how much they have purchased, status of any subscriptions, support ticket status and more. Customer Records You can view a list of customer records from the following l
Customer Referrals can be a good way in which to drive sales on your site, as you can get your customers doing the work for you, giving a small benefit to the customer who is referring people to your site. Within the admin CP, you can get to the referral setup section by going to ACP -> Members -> Member Settings -> Referrals. Switching On Once you enable referrals and save them as being on, you will see 3 tabs. The first section you will see will look similar to the s