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iiioroh last won the day on July 7 2023

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  1. The time zone I needed was set on the server. But the server still defines it with an error. Can you help?
  2. Sent in private
  3. @Daniel F I had to disable your module (((
  4. Yes it's happening
  5. I have errors https://primspinning.com/topic/382-schuka-sezon-2023/
  6. Mistake. Advanced statistics are displayed instead of participants((( https://primspinning.com/members/
  7. 1 Yes 2 No
  8. My database is - 10.3.35-MariaDB-1:10.3.35+maria~focal
  9. Hello. I can't go to the module settings(( Can you help? Thank you.
  10. So will you help? The module is not working correctly
  11. So will you help? The module is not working correctly
  12. Chatbox is installed of course.
  13. The selector doesn't turn on
  14. With line display
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