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Julia Osipova

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Everything posted by Julia Osipova

  1. Thanks, Stuart. Maybe, AggregateOffer microdata is a good choice when we have options, instead a Product microdata.
  2. Is it possible to enable micro markup in embedded in html format, not JSON ? As in the examples of search engines, for example, here: https://yandex.ru/support/webmaster/supported-schemas/goods-prices.html
  3. Thanks. But: 1. when we have some options of product on one page, with different prices, we see only one offer in html code, with one price. 2. we turn off quantity control of stock, quantity is unlimited.. But in markup we see: "availability": "http://schema.org/OutOfStock", Example is here: https://fashionproduct.ru/community/store/product/33-декоративная-подушка-восточная-сказка/
  4. The country is the Russian Federation. Law 152-FZ. The controlling organization is Roskomnadzor. The claim was made during a preventive inspection.
  5. Marc, Thanks for Your answer. Is it possible to send a GET request to the specified server URL (for example, via ajax or js) when clicking on the button in the cookie banner? This would be enough, the fact of calling the specified URL can be recorded in the logs. Yes, tested on default theme. Tested in Yandex browser for Android. Device Samsung Galaxy J6, Android 10. Mark, I probably formulated it badly or it's a translation error. I mean, if possible, display a banner about cookies on a semi-transparent div layer at top layer with a size of 100%. This will block actions with the site at the interface level until consent to cookies is clicked. Is it possible to make this, at least as optional function? Or, maybe, You consult me where (in which files) I can add change it for myself? It will be faster. Thanks. Julia
  6. I ask you to consider the possibility of implementing micro-markup of data in the product card in Commerce in accordance with https://schema.org/Offer and http://schema.org/AggregateOffer Such micro-markup allows search engines to process product offers much better and greatly increases the position in the search results and improves the display of goods in the search results.
  7. Thanks. I wrote in "Feature suggestions".
  8. Moved from Developer forum: Due to the requirements of the regulatory authorities , it became necessary: 1. change the text displayed on the cookies banner. Where can I correct this text? (SOLVED) 2. Record in the logs clicking on the "Agree" button on the cookies banner. Is it being written to the log now and where can this log be viewed? 3. On mobile, the cookie banner disappears quickly when scrolling and does not appear anymore. Please fix it urgently. 4. is it possible to make it so that in order to view the content of the site it was necessary to click on consent to cookies? Now this is not necessary, and it is possible that a person has not expressed consent to cookies, but we still put them and this is a violation. Is it possible to demand consent, and not just notify about cookies? The expression of consent to cookies in the form of clicking on a button must be recorded in the server logs and must be presented at the request of the supervisory authority. This is not my wish, it was demanded by the inspectors from state agencies. They regard failure to comply with this requirement as a violation of the law. If now it is fixed only on the user's side, and is not transmitted to the server, then we ask you to change it. This is a critical requirement, unfortunately. I understand that it may be a guest. But the verifiers do not require binding to the user profile in this case. The requirement concerns the presence of an entry in the log, i.e., in theory, there is enough date/time and ip_address. Ideally, you can add a session id. Please answer, will this be fixed in the near future or do I need to go to another software product to meet regulatory requirements? Unfortunately, the deadlines set by the regulatory authorities for correction are very limited. Thanks
  9. will there be an official response from the developers?
  10. Currently, rel=canonical is not prescribed for category pages in Commerce and for the main page in Commerce. For the rest of the community pages (forums, gallery, product page in Commerce), rel=canonical is prescribed normally. Can this be fixed?
  11. Please answer, will this be fixed in the near future or do I need to go to another software product to meet regulatory requirements? Unfortunately, the deadlines set by the regulatory authorities for correction are very limited.
  12. The regulatory authorities nevertheless make such a requirement . The expression of consent to cookies in the form of clicking on a button must be recorded in the server logs and must be presented at the request of the supervisory authority. This is not my wish, it was demanded by the inspectors from state agencies. They regard failure to comply with this requirement as a violation of the law. If now it is fixed only on the user's side, and is not transmitted to the server, then we ask you to change it. This is a critical requirement, unfortunately. I understand that it may be a guest. But the verifiers do not require binding to the user profile in this case. The requirement concerns the presence of an entry in the log, i.e., in theory, there is enough date/time and ip_address. Ideally, you can add a session id.
  13. Of course, I will change it in core_sys_lang_words table, not in lang.xml. Thanks. But other questions still need answer.....
  14. I find this in lang.xml: <word key="cookies_message" js="0"><![CDATA[We have placed <a href='%s'>cookies</a> on your device to help make this website better. You can <a href='%s'>adjust your cookie settings</a>, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.]]></word> So I can change text here. (Answer to question 1).
  15. And additionally: is it possible to make it so that in order to view the content of the site it was necessary to click on consent to cookies? Now this is not necessary, and it is possible that a person has not expressed consent to cookies, but we still put them and this is a violation. Is it possible to demand consent, and not just notify about cookies?
  16. Due to the requirements of the regulatory authorities , it became necessary: 1. change the text displayed on the cookies banner. Where can I correct this text? 2. Record in the logs clicking on the "Agree" button on the cookies banner. Is it being written to the log now and where can this log be viewed? 3. On mobile, the cookie banner disappears quickly when scrolling and does not appear anymore. Please fix it urgently. Thanks
  17. Hi. All rights are setted, for all users, icluding guests. But guests still can't to use support requests on site. What can be a reason? It's not 4.6.9 error, it also was in previous versions. Error: Oops! The page you are trying to access is not available to guests, but may be available if you sign in.
  18. All ok, already find it here: /admin/?app=core&module=customization&controller=icons Thanks. Julia
  19. Please remember, where in ACP I can find selector for choosing mobile appearance ( as mobile app, or as standart web view ) ? I can't find it in 4.6.9 version, but I think i see this in previous versions, isn't it? Tnanks, Julia
  20. Hello! Please tell me if I can make a multilingual version when creating an application dev/lang.php and if so, where can I see an example of such a file? So far, all the examples I've seen contain language strings in only one language. Thanks. Julia
  21. Hi! Screenshots are below. Thanks, Julia Here is a bug code. When use "different stock level", package->stock will never be 0. It's always = -2
  22. Hello. I think, I found a bug in Commerce. Example: 1 product (physical package) with 2 options: yellow colour and blue color. In "Stock & price Adjustments" I choose option "Use different stock levels and prices depending on custom field values" and set quantities: 10 for yellow, and 10 for blue. At main page of Commerce I see "In stock" for this product. Ok. Now set quanity for yellow = 0. At main page - still "In stock". Ok And now set quantity of blue = 0. At main page I want to see "Out of stock". But I still see "In stock" I correct this in my store by theme hook for \IPS\Theme\class_nexus_front_store in "PackageBlock". But I want to inform about this bug, because it maybe has effect in other parts of Commerce.
  23. Yandex support answered. They recommend to add in robots.txt this string: Disallow: /community/$
  24. Fresh screenshot from Yandex page. Sorry, it's by russian.