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  1. Hey Jim, Thank you for taking the time to respond. We have just went over everything in SendGrid - - Turns out that Link Branding was enabled which is why it was re-writing the links. We disabled that and everything is a go. Thank you for your help!
  2. Will give it a shot. Is there any other way that the link could be altered? Anything in PHP or Email Templates? I am just trying to cover all bases.
  3. Could you please advise where in IVPB to do this in the ACP? Not finding it, maybe i am blind...
  4. Hi All, We use Sendgrid as our email output but we're having an issue with getting the validation link to go to the right place. We get the below error when people click to validate. This isn't even the correct web address when it should be https://snowguns.com/xxxxx/validate.php or whatever it needs to be. Any idea how to resolve? Thank you. This site can’t be reached Check if there is a typo in url7405.avrintech.net. If spelling is correct, try running Windows Network Diagnostics. DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN
  5. You know, I'm honestly quite stumped but at the same time relieved. On top of an extremely heavy work schedule and never having a minute to breathe, I finally was able to set aside 5-10 minutes to look it over one more time. Downloaded the files onto a different computer, lo and behold, still, missing. For fun I decided, hey let's check the upgrade panel, one more time. It didn't detect any issues this time around, we're not exactly sure what had changed because we hadn't touched any security settings on the server, done any re-uploads or anything like that, seems to have just appeared out of thin air. It is what it is, I'm happy we're back up and running but again, stumped at the fact that all of a sudden things just started working once again as they should.
  6. Marc, I just downloaded it again, straight out of the zip the file cannot be located and there is no AV/Security settings enabled that would cause this. Can you please send the file directly so that we can get this resolved? My community has been down for close to a week now due to this issue. Thank you.
  7. /system/Api/GraphQL/TypeRegistry.php Is missing from my server after we ran an upgrade. I've checked the package download and it's not included in that. Anyone have any ideas?
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