Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Hard to accept this solution 🙂 Can you explain why all other sites works fine? We can face problems only in Invision hosted communities.
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Ok... maybe we just wait fix/update to some of these components. There is tens of users who has reported this and it's very easy to replicate. Thanks!
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Am I the only one who is asking this? 🤔 I have three Invision hosted community (all 4.7.5) and all of them have this same problem. Then I have also two selfhosted community (both 4.7.5) but there is not this problem. Maybe somebody can test with Invision hosted community?
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
xlsx, docx, pdf... Yeah, might be browser issue 😕
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Actually users can download attachments but can't open them from Chrome download folder/list. Have to go File Manager and open files from there.
Can't open attachments (mobile + Chrome)
Any idea why users can't open attachments anymore when they are using Chrome on mobile phone? Firefox is fine. Also all desktops are fine. Maybe some Chrome mobile update causes this? This have been a problem about 3-4 weeks now. Before this case there were not problems with attachments.
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4.4. compatibility?
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I use a widget just below the page header. Will you remove this?
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- Who Viewed the Topic
I have two problems. 1. There is same member multiple times in the widget (1st picture). Closed community and only 50 members. No guests. Plugin settings should be fine? (2nd picture) 2. Can't save blank English translation (3rd picture). When I save empty English fields it returns translations back.- Who Viewed the Topic
4.3 compatibility?- Who Viewed the Topic
Plugin shows same members in all topics? IPS updated and lastest version of this plugin reinstalled. - Who Viewed the Topic
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