Hisashi's post in Future Published Topics being sent to RSS Feed was marked as the answerYou have send rss with your user key with permission, in public rss this is not displayed.
I don't know if this is important to you, but now your key is exposed in topic.
Hisashi's post in Profile Cover Photos was marked as the answerACP > Members > Groups > Edit Group > Social > Can upload a cover photo?
Hisashi's post in Open external links in downloads was marked as the answerThemes > Edit HTML/CSS (Enter advanced mode if you are on simple) > Templates > downloads > view > downloadButton
Add a "target="_blank"" on line 11, the code will look like this:
{{else}} <a target="_blank" href='{{if settings.idm_antileech AND !$file->requiresDownloadConfirmation()}}{$file->url('download')->csrf()}{{else}}{$file->url('download')}{{endif}}' class='ipsButton ipsButton_fullWidth ipsButton_large ipsButton_important' {{if $file->requiresDownloadConfirmation()}}data-ipsDialog{{endif}} data-datalayer-postfetch >{lang="download_now"}</a> {{endif}} </li>
Some observations...
You will no longer receive auto-update in this edited template. I only recommend it if your downloads are based on external links, I don't know how that might behave for uploaded files. -
Hisashi's post in Is this old topic warning built in? was marked as the answer
Hisashi's post in Lawyers requesting text change on registration signup was marked as the answerSearch for these language strings
reg_agreed_terms reg_privacy_link
Hisashi's post in Simple question about robots.txt was marked as the answerHello,
The search engine has indexed my pages with no content (
To disable just add the following code in robots.txt?
Disallow: /articles.html/page/
Or need to add a (/*) at the end?
Hisashi's post in Help to disable a CSS code was marked as the answerI had to edit in root of file (advanced mode), since the custom.css didn't allow me.
HORRIBLE this 4.7.0 update that hidden css files.
Hisashi's post in How to add tags to gallery images was marked as the answerYou need to check two other things.
ACP > System > Settings > Posting > Tags > "Tagging Enabled?" ACP > Members > Groups > Edit > Content > Tags -
Hisashi's post in Email alert for a new member registration was marked as the answerAccess AdminCP
Hisashi's post in My own app was marked as the answerAdminCP > Customization > Icons & Logos
Just configure the images and manifest details.
Need clear cache.
Hisashi's post in 'Flag as Spammer' Button - Change who sees it in profiles? was marked as the answerACP > Members > Staff > Moderators > Moderator Group > Member Management > Can use the 'Flag As Spammer' tool?
Hisashi's post in Stock photo picker was marked as the answerAre you referring to Pixabay?
System > Site features > Community Enhancements
Hisashi's post in Issues with Moderation permissions in forum. was marked as the answerIt's because of "Content" it applies to all content.
Need to uncheck desired options there
Hisashi's post in Help with an edit > Most Contributions was marked as the answerAfter some more research, I found the code to generate the user's profile address, which was exactly how I wanted it.
{$member->url()} Result:
<a href="{$member->url()}content/?type=cms_records_review1&change_section=1">content</a>