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Everything posted by -FP

  1. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    What's your site URL? if it's the one in your signature, well, plugins JS is not being loaded. One reason could be being in designers mode.
  2. Yep I understand, but let me see if I can explain myself. I only want to use the existing topic if "use forums for comments" is enabled AND if the promoted post is the first on the topic. (I don't see how anyone would want this to be any different, if it's not like that they would just make copies of the same content) In any other cases it's fine if it creates a new topic.
  3. Ok, works now, no more errors when submitting from pages app. So yep what I said, now I only need it to stop creating a new topic and use the existing one instead for the comments.
  4. @Adriano Faria did you remove the option to choose the author? Actually, the information from the topic is not being copied to the article form.
  5. Well I think all I need right now is it to stop creating another topic when you submit an article from a promoted topic. (If you use the "use forums for comments" and "post topic to forum" settings)
  6. @Adriano Faria I also found that when the plugin is enabled for my group, when I submit an article from the pages app (not promoting it from a topic) and that articles category posts a topic to a forum, I get an error, the article is submitted but the topic is not created. The error is gone if plugin is disabled.
  7. That would be perfect for me.
  8. So I overlooked it a bit. Actually, the article IS already linked to the topic you promoted it from. I got confused because when you submit the article, it's creating another topic, but if you comment in the article, the posts are added to the topic the article was made from, not to this newly created topic after submiting the article. I guess it's a bug. So from here the question is what happens if the promoted post is not the first in the topic. My suggestion was to make a new topic and link the article to it if it's not the first post, but if it's the first post leave it as is.
  9. I just purchased the plugin and had a talk with Adriano about a feature, posting it here for more opinions. Lets say that you promote the first post of a topic to a category of articles that use the forum to store the comments. In this case, I would want the new article to be tied to the topic it was promoted from, to avoid having duplicated content on the forums, but right now when you submit the article, it creates a new topic, instead of using the existing one. Now the issue with linking the article to the existing topic: If you promote another post in the topic, one that's not the first one to create new content from it, well, it would be an issue because the conversation would remain in the same topic rather than being a new one. So I thought that maybe Adriano can hardcode it to tie the article to the existing topic if the promoted post is the first in the topic. If it's not the first post in the topic, then just make a new topic straight away. All this is in the case that you "use forums for comments" in your articles database.
  10. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Site URL? It's working just fine in both my dev and personal sites running
  11. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    @zelgadis I've uploaded a new version of the plugin. The message should show up now in your custom theme.
  12. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    I see it shows in one of the custom themes but not on the default one, for testing, could you try to change the message position to bottom instead of top? In the theme that it doesn't work, did you set its custom settings to include JS inside the <head> or before </body>? For some reason the javascript is not being loaded in the custom default theme. Or PM admin access if you wish, it would be easier to look into this.
  13. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    I thought I "fixed" that on the last update, it wasn't showing on my third party theme... that can be hard to controll anyway, if the custom theme has some changes or things that may become a conflict compared to the default theme, I can't predict nor controll that, the plugin just inserts stuff in the global template. (I hate javascript) What's your site URL anyway? I'll take a look.
  14. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Sure, send me your site URL and what version of the suite you're using.
  15. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Uploaded a new version. Option to load the JS from the developer site, or use a local version. Using the local version decreased my site load time by roughly 300ms, and this should also address the security concerns some users had. (Translations are still lost, sorry!)
  16. Is it or would it be possible to select which user groups can add the description?
  17. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Well I'll look into it, it may be possible to do something comparing the date of the current cookie set to hide the message, and the date of the last time the message was modified, supplied by another setting field for instance, I would also have to mess with the JS file provided by silktide... well, we'll see.
  18. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Thanks @Micka, fixed.
  19. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Ok, updated the plugin, now you can translate the message, I tested it and I think it's doing what you've requested, anyway let me know what you think... translations are still lost when you upload a new version, sorry.
  20. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Alright, I'll work on it to also add the message as a language string. The issue with the translations being lost when upgrading to a new version has also happened to me using other mods, still trying to figure out how to work around that.
  21. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Hi, this is for 4.x.
  22. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    There are language strings for the More Info link text and for the Got it button, in fact I translated it to Spanish for my site.
  23. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    @Marius yes, grab this: http://s3.amazonaws.com/cc.silktide.com/cookieconsent.latest.min.js Upload it to your server, then edit the plugin XML file, find and replace that URL with the one in your server. Save the file and upload the plugin.
  24. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    Well since this runs on the JS file by silktide... right now you'd have to grab this: http://s3.amazonaws.com/cc.silktide.com/cookieconsent.latest.min.js Find this code: <a data-cc-if="options.link" class="cc_more_info" href="{{options.link || "#null"}}">{{options.learnMore}}</a>Add the target property to the link, save the JS file, upload it somewhere, and modify the xml file to call your edited JS file instead of the original one. I'll see If I can add a setting for it.
  25. -FP

    Cookie Notice

    I'll take a look, but even if I manage to make it happen, apps like GHOSTERY will still list Google Analytics for instance, because analytics.js is called, but the _ga cookie is not set thus no tracking information is collected, at least so far in my plugin. Or that's what they say in the information for the code I implemented: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/advanced#optout
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