SMTP error and external connection errors.
After many attempts I managed to solve the problem, basically a firewall was active that did not allow outgoing connections on the port for SMTPs. Now 80% of emails arrive at their destination but 20% (in particular those related to the replies in tickets) are rejected by Google for this reason: In fact, opening the full content of the email in the error log, two message IDs appear: Can someone explain to me why? Nothing strange is set in the email settings, I also tried to use the simple sending in text format, without HTML, but the result does not change. Thanks
Log errors related to permissions?
You are right, the curl_exec() function was disabled in the php.ini file, I have re-enabled it, thanks.
Log errors related to permissions?
The storage is local, not external. In fact this seems strange to me too. Anyway, are there folders that need special permissions? I will try and verify this, the rest of the site seems to work fine too. Sure, I just did that. The strange thing is that before the migration I had no errors, so I think that even in this case, the error could depend on the same reason as above.
Log errors related to permissions?
I also add this that did not allow users to attach files in tickets, I had to disable it to solve the problem. But this "Cleantalk" application has always worked correctly. I'm having these errors since I changed servers, I would like to understand what to do otherwise I will have to go back. Thanks
modman started following SMTP error and external connection errors. and Log errors related to permissions?
Log errors related to permissions?
I find several errors in the log, all seem to depend on a permissions problem, I put some screenshots, thanks. In these errors I see that the URL is missing the "www.":
SMTP error and external connection errors.
The problem seems to be using PHPMailer, a technician today managed to update the code and get a custom PHP page working that he was using as a test to send emails via SMTP, this page had the same problem as IP.Board: Authentication error. According to him there was something wrong with PHPMailer.... Just out of curiosity? Does IP.Board use PHPMailer to send emails via SMTP? Thanks
SMTP error and external connection errors.
SMTP error and external connection errors.
SMTP error and external connection errors.
Is there anything in particular I can check? I can't figure it out and the emails haven't been sent for two days, I don't understand.
SMTP error and external connection errors.
I moved the site to a new server and since then the emails are not sent, the SMTP connection does not happen. When I enter the support section I get a message that says there are problems with the connection to the outside. Yet in the same environment there is a test php file to send emails that works perfectly, there is something in IP.Board....
Javascript problem after upgrade
yes I did it and I solved the problem but after a while it came back to me, honestly I didn't understand why, but I think there is something in the settings of my Cloudflare rules that is not right in fact I had to deactivate them to not run into this problem again, actually I'm looking for someone to configure Cloudflare correctly because I think you can get more and not have problems
Javascript problem after upgrade
Thank you, please delete the two images on first post, and close topic, it is solved.
Javascript problem after upgrade
Now deleting the cache has solved everything, I had done it twice as soon as I noticed the error, both in IP.Board and in Cloudflare, but it had not worked, now it does. To try, I also temporarily disabled Cloudflare... but nothing. I don't understand but it works fine. So the problem was not related to the folder permissions...
Javascript problem after upgrade
Can be a Cloudflare problem? because now that I think about it the only thing I did was remove the cache in Cloudflare, could this have contributed to the problem?
Javascript problem after upgrade
since no one has done anything, how could these permissions on the folders have been modified? finally how should they be set or how can I verify if they are correct? does IP.Board have a verification tool? Thanks