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  1. Well, it's not my app, we're using this app too. Over time it is possible to check all members emails. We also have 50.000 members, but this (nor any other) tool can't magically tell if an email address is valid or not. A mail has to be sent out (via Mandrill) in order to be able to catch the reply (bounce), if any. See the opening post of this topic for details.
  2. what do you mean by "verify existing members" exactly? Check if all the email addresses of your members are valid, without sending them an email (or without using Mandrills service previously)?
  3. This mod isn't functioning as it should at our 3.4.6 site Several users have given hard bounces. Those addresses have been picked up by the mod. For starters I'm really missing a search feature here, since I've got 240 pages with mails to look through. When zooming in on a particular user I see in the members.members_cache something with "bouncer": a:2:{s:7:"bouncer";a:5:{s:11:"_currentAAM";s:1:"0";s:8:"disabled";b:1;s:12:"disabledTime";i:1398949358;s:7:"warning";b:0;s:10:"modalShown";i:1401466465;}s:13:"msgAlertReset";i:1401466465;} But at mandrillapp.com I can see there are still going mails to this user! Besides: a user with an invalid email has updated his email, but the notification is still there!
  4. Thanks for the offer, but nevermind. WinSCP seems to transfer some of the files in binary mode. Forcing it to text solved the issue.
  5. Nope. Checked and double checked. Location is ok. Files on the server have the same date as the ones in the package. Even asked somebody else to try too. No dice...
  6. I've downloaded the file and uploaded the contents to the server, overwriting the existing ones. But then what? It still shows 1.1.0. Can't find an update instruction in the pdf either.
  7. Sounds fine! I do wonder what other custom rejected emails could be, but as long as 'manually blacklisted' is one of them I'm happy :).
  8. The thing is: I have a mailing list with over 50,000 receipients. About 5,000 of them have been blacklisted. To prevent negative impact on my reputation I've blacklisted those in Mandrill too. I do want this add-on to act though, so that our users get the "please update your email" popup.
  9. I've added a list of mail addresses to black list at Mandrill via [options, rejection blacklist] a couple of hours ago. This list is based on bounce info I gathered with other software earlier. Since these addresses are being rejected now, I also expected those to appear in the add-on under "emails disabled". But they don't. Thus those members won't get the "please update your mail address" notification on the forums. Is there a way I can arrange for this?