Member Map
Where do I get the API from? And I loaded the newest beta yet in my ACP it shows 1.0.9 with update available? If someone has this working and would help me out please PM me.
Member Map
Is is possible to sort by the custom markers? Like you can sort by friends?
lunchbox67 started following YoImRon
lunchbox67 started following xLemur
Member Map
WHere do I do that? Ok, I found where to add the group marker ... but where is it that I am able to add the locations?
Member Map
Is there a way for the Admin's to add multiple address's? I run a motorcycle website and I would like to add the brands dealership's to the map. It would also be nice to have these locations have a different marker from the rest so people would know it was a dealership and not a member's location.
lunchbox67 started following broni
I could not agree more with bfarber So let's get 3.0.3 out now so we can move on to asking about 3.0.4 :thumbsup: :P
Understood, just wanted to ask
I hear you and understand. I find it funny when people don't ... they must not work. But how about the issues that are shown as fixed? Can we open a ticket to ask to have a know issue that has been fixed (in 3.0.3) updated on our boards?
Like I didn't see that one coming :P
Come on Guys Ticket #596212
48 hour response time You are still in the window
Yes, I was just wondering if they have a rough idea when 3.0.3 will be out Or if individual items that they have fixed can be fixed in 3.0.2
I have read that some of the issues I have on my 3.0.2 board will be fixed in 3.0.3 Any hint as to when 3.0.3 will be released? Or is there a way to have the individual issues fixed?
3.0.2 is way slower than 2.3.5
Spam Monitoring Service
Every picture tells a story don't it :thumbsup:
Spam Monitoring Service
In "Member Spam Queue"? I do not see a "Spam Service Section" Screen shot maybe?