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  • Status: Not a bug

When analyzing the CSS framework, 3 important errors are reported:

  1. CSS rule

    @media (max-width: 767px) {

    :root {


    --i-box--pa-in: var(--i-sp_2);

    --i-sticky-offset: calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + var(--i-sticky-offset--small) + var(--i-sticky-offset--extra, 0px));



    issue: Parse Error calc(env(safe-area-inset-top) + var(--i-sticky-offset--small) + var(--i-sticky-offset--extra, 0px))

2. CSS rule

:root{--i-mobileFooter--he: calc(55px + env(safe-area-inset-bottom));}

issue: Parse Error env(safe-area-inset-bottom))

3. CSS issue :root { --i-range: clamp(0rem, (100vw - 30 * var(--i-rem)) / (70 - 30), var(--i-rem));}

Issue: The types are incompatible  )) / (70 - 30), var(--i-rem))

It is possible that these errors create render delay LCP in the PSI test, i.e. in a slow 4G test mobile.

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Invision Community Team

The validator only tests for "CSS Level 3" code. Those alerts are all valid pieces of code and are understood by all modern (and not so modern) browsers.


Invision Community Team

Changed Status to Not a bug