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Moving from free trial site to paid subscription on my domain. Will the old url redirect?

Joshua Landry
Go to solution Solved by Marc,

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I'm currently running on the free trial, getting everything setup and ready for a full launch.

I've given the link to a few people (20-ish) around the web to try it out and get their thoughts.

I'll be switching to a paid subscription and moving the forum to my domain, so I was curious will the trial url automatically redirect them to the new domain?

If it doesn't do this automatically, is there any way to set this up?

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When you convert the trial to paid in the client area, the site will remain the same, so it will actually be the same URL unless you request a new one. If you are looking to use your own domain name, and you request for that to be set up, then yes our old URL will redirect to the new one

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