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[BUG] two stripe payments reported in ACP - only 1 in Stripe portal


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I have seen this several times. I want to finally report this.

Steps to repeat

  1. Customer tries to purchase item from downloads app without first checking the the "terms & Conditions" acceptance box.
  2. They get asked to check the box and click the purchase button again (so they do)
  3. IPB ACP reports two stripe payments, Stripe portal only reports 1 but second is "uncaptured"
  4. Customer see's 2 holds on their credit card and is unaware that one will fall off and see's two charges in IPB orders screen. Naturally they are not happy

See screen shots



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Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.


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