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Well,  A big Thunderstorm ruined my fishing.  So I am back at the computer only to find that my site now looks like this.

Could contain: Page, Text

So it is getting worse.

Should I tell my host to undo the GMP  thing?  I was getting errors all over the CP and now I can not even get into it.  I tried to get to the support link but that failed too.

WHY?  Why does this stuff happen to me?  I am trying to do everything I am told but it just makes things worse. 

  • Community Expert

Should I tell my host to undo the GMP  thing?

If that is the last thing your host did, then yes

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Thank you Marc,

My host reloaded the GMP thing and it seems to be working now!

My next effort is to try to set up the site mail to go thru my mail server and I want to straighten out the member sign up situation.

I have turned off the subscription thing since I have memberships as products in my store. 

Before I had a great question that the signup thing asked that would help separate the spammers from becoming a member.  I want to try to get that back but I do not know where to go to set that up.  I also have a group called the Registered Guest.  When someone signs up to be a member on the site I would like to have them put into that group.  That is another thing I need to try to figure out today.

Thank you for your guidance and Tolerance of my ignorance.


  • Community Expert

When someone signs up to be a member on the site I would like to have them put into that group.  That is another thing I need to try to figure out today.

While you can change that by changing the ID in your conf_global.php file, I would actually advise just renaming your groups accordingly. So rename your members group to the first group name

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I have found my way to the registration question and it is working.  At the moment when someone registers with the site it makes them a Member.  I have no issue with this but I did have a group set up called the Registered Guest.   I would prefer that a new member who has not purchased a membership in store be put into the "Registered Guest" group.  I do not at this point know how to make that happen.  But if I am unable to designate what group a new member hoes into here is my question.

How do I take the people who are in the Registered Guest group and move them all over to the "Members" Group or,  If I can designate the group that a new member registers on the site to go into the Registered Guest group then, How do I move the people in the Members Group over to the Registered Guest group?

Golly I hope I explained that well enough.  I await your advice or instructions.  Thank you.


  • Community Expert

You can actually set the group. You would edit your conf_global.php file and change the ID  to that of your new group in the relevant section (member_group). Please backup that file before you proceed


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I am going to have to wait on that one.  It will take me way too long to figure out.  I have so many other things to fix that are more important.

Can you tell me where the registration question is.  Currently if you register as a member for the site it asks you to answer a question.  I found it earlier but I can not find it now.  There is just so many pages of stuff I spend an hour just finding my way back to where I was before.  Sorry for asking such silly questions but If I could find it I would not ask.

Thank you.


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That only took 20 minutes


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Thank you Marc,  I am getting there.

I will say that I am not a fan of some of the coming changes.  The removal of products and the sign in only with an email. 

But my site is up and I am going along and fixing all the images and re-loading all the files for my members.  So I am busy staying out of your hair. 

Thank you


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I have a new question but I will start a new topic..

See you in the next topic..


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