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I'm using a video Video Tip: Create a homepage in under 5 minutes using Pages

I got to the point to use Page builder. It said I don't have the right to use it.

How can I change to admin?


  • Management

You should be able to log into the front end with the same details that you use for the AdminCP, and that should then allow you to use the Page Builder feature.

  • Author

I'm listed as an admin. But get an error: You do not have permission to view.

Error Code; 2T187/3


Let’s start with what video are you following and what step are you failing at. That would let us understand what exactly you’re doing here. 

  • Author

I completed the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYhFtMKNId4 :41


I then used the sidebar to do the following Sidebar Icon of 2 Pages-Pages- Page Management-Pages (I Selected index.html, see in the video at location :41). I then selected the icon for Open Page Builder. Here is the result 2T187/3

"You do not have permission to view"


  • Author

>>Randy Calvert<< Sorry I made a mess of that topic.  I was trying to add additional comments and it would now let me save the edit. So here is a redo.

I completed the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYhFtMKNId4 :41

I then used the sidebar to do the following Sidebar Icon of 2 Pages-Pages- Page Management-Pages (I Selected index.html, see in the video at location :41). I then selected the icon for Open Page Builder. Here is the result 2T187/3

"You do not have permission to view"

Step 1. (Utilities Icon) Site Features-Applications - Pages (Select Pages & Star, making it default).
Step 2. (Page Icon) Pages-Page Management-Pages-Add Page (Create a New Page)
Step 3. Add Page Content Editor Page Builder (Yes)
Step 4. Details 
Page Name: Home Page
Page Filename: index.html
Template: Single Column

Step 5. Page includes

Step 6. Title & Meta Tax
Page Title: My Site Home

Step 7. Menu
Add to front navigation menu:  Yes or No

Step 8. Open page builder: Issue



Who is it you are logged in as?

  • Author


My next project was to add a new user called "sysop" with admin privileges.


Before we look, have you checked to ensure you have all 'moderator' privledges? Anything front end is moderator, not admin.

As Marc noted...  this is most likely because you have not assigned your Admin group as having access to Moderator privileges.  

ACP > Members > Staff > Moderators

Could contain: Text, Page

Make sure the Administrator group is added.

Could contain: Page, Text, File

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