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RSS Feeds Take Hours To Update (Cloud)


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I use RSS feeds from my databases (just the standard ones enabled with the database itself) and it often takes hours, if not an entire 8hr workday for new content to get pushed to the feed.  I never had this issue before moving to the Cloud.  I don't see any setting that could effect this either.


E.G: I am still waiting for this article (https://www.uncrownedgaming.com/home/esports/the-call-of-duty-league-championship-kicks-off-today-r80/) to get pushed to its RSS feed (https://www.uncrownedgaming.com/home/?rss=1) and it has been almost 6 hours since posting.


EDIT: Actually once it does go to the feed, the feed does not seem to be pushing it out anywhere.  Even basic readers like Feedly are not picking up the new articles once they are added to the feed for an extended period of time.  Which I don't have any issues with on all my non-cloud projects or any RSS feed to be honest.

Edited by UncrownedGuard
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Unfortunately, I am seeing that article present in the feed. If you go straight to the RSS feed are you seeing the article? If the feed clients you use only update at a certain interval, you will need to await the client to update from your community, I'm afraid. We do not have control over that.

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To put some times on the issue.

The article was posted at 0800 via a scheduled post.
The first sighting of it from the RSS was on Feedly at 1331

This is not my normal experience with any RSS feed including my numerous IPS feeds.


At the same time, the article that was published and live to the community at 0800 is now relisted as a 1323 published time.

i am utterly confused on what is happening here.

Could contain: Person, Human, Gun, Weapon, Weaponry, Turtle, Animal, Sea Life, Reptile, Call of Duty

Could contain: Text, Paper

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1 minute ago, UncrownedGuard said:

To put some times on the issue.

The article was posted at 0800 via a scheduled post.
The first sighting of it from the RSS was on Feedly at 1331

This is not my normal experience with any RSS feed including my numerous IPS feeds.


At the same time, the article that was published and live to the community at 0800 is now relisted as a 1323 published time.

i am utterly confused on what is happening here.

Could contain: Person, Human, Gun, Weapon, Weaponry, Turtle, Animal, Sea Life, Reptile, Call of Duty

Could contain: Text, Paper

Unfortunately, the article should keep the previous publish date, even when editing so this would require manual involvement for it to change or there is something else acting on this field. I would advise watching it and disabling any related third party add-ons to Pages if you continue to see any issue.

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45 minutes ago, Jim M said:

Unfortunately, the article should keep the previous publish date, even when editing so this would require manual involvement for it to change or there is something else acting on this field. I would advise watching it and disabling any related third party add-ons to Pages if you continue to see any issue.

I will keep an eye on it and see if I can track down the problem better. 

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