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after fresh install modcp shows 404 page please help out?

Go to solution Solved by Jim M,

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It looks like you enabled URL rewrites but did not apply the .htaccess or mod_rewrite is not enabled on your server. Please see the information in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> Rewrite URLs. If you applied the .htaccess correctly, please contact your hosting provider for further assistance.

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2 minutes ago, BAROTTA said:

cant make availablity of default theme provided by ipb to be none for not to be shown for admin member guests modertors

when trying to make it shows

Something went wrong. Check the values provided on the marked tabs and try again.

@Jim M

You will want to check those tabs and see what exactly it is stating. This would indicate that you did not fill out a form field correctly or something else went wrong.

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