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Create custom field for account signup form

Parker White

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Hello, im looking at trying to figure out how to customize the sign up form to specific texts i want. Or how to add a custom block for someone to enter a specific username. Ultimately, I would like to make a new custom field thats required to enter a text on signup like a discord username. Any help would be awesome.

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ok i found it and added the fields, when i set the search value to look for all things related, the profile field i added in the tutorial link you sent me doesnt bring anything up for their field. I also dont see it on their profile under their name. I entered this too 

<strong>{$title}:</strong> {$content}

oh wait. mightve figured it out.. not familiar with html sorry one sec

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Sorry, a little confused in what you're attempting to do here. You are modifying the custom formatting for profile and topics. This would not change in the search. In search, it would just display their display name with a link to their profile if a value is found.

Additionally, {$Discord} and {$Discord Username} are not variables so you would not want to use them as such. The name of the field should be put there by simply using {$title} so there is no need to change that.

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10 minutes ago, Parker White said:

yeah sorry i didnt explain it very well. im looking for a way to have someones discord username display on their profile and also looking for a way i can search their discord username in the member list search. is this possible?

Yes, using the custom field there that you have setup would perform that. If you aren't doing anything custom with the display of the field on the profile, I would just suggest using the default option as that will give you Title: Value .

You would need to use the member search, you can search custom profile fields.

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To explain further here, you woul dnot be using things like you have above. You would always be using {title} and {value} . These are replaced with the actual title (in your case 'Discord Username') and the value they have entered. 



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