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I have defined a multiple Upload field in a Pages database for images only. I would like to display the images in carousel and need thumbs and original locations. I have tried this:

{{$images = $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('images', 'raw') and $thumbs = $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('images', 'thumbs');}}

But this does not work as the order of thumbs and images does not match. This is the order of the images in cms_custom_database_3 in field_10


And this is the order of corresponding thumbnails in cms_database_fields_thumbnails


You see that order is not the same. So the both arrays $images and $thumbs cannot be used just by their index.

That's why, I cannot map the images and thumbs in foreach loop as suggested below:

{{foreach $images as $index => $src}}
	<li class='ipsCarousel_item ipsAreaBackground_reset ipsPad_half' data-ipsLazyLoad><a href='{$src}' data-ipsLightbox><img src='{$thumbs[$index]}'/></a></li>

Question: how do I get thumbs and original image locations in the right order to use in the database template for carousel?

Thank you!

Edited by Sonya*

I’ve reported this several times through various channels. @Matt promised to look at it. I really needs to be fixed in the software. 

Have you tried something like:

{{sort($images); sort($thumbs);}}

Before plugging them into the foreach loop?

sort() sorts by value, so if the value is the filename, it should align them.

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6 hours ago, IPCommerceFan said:

Have you tried something like:

{{sort($images); sort($thumbs);}}

Before plugging them into the foreach loop?

sort() sorts by value, so if the value is the filename, it should align them.

Unfortunately, there is no original filename saved in $thumbs. This:

$thumbs = $record->customFieldDisplayByKey('images', 'thumbs');

returns the thumbs' filenames only.

And the files shouldn’t get a new order anyway, which would be inevitable when applying sorting. If I upload pictures representing instructions (for example), it needs to respect the order in which those files were uploaded. 

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