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How to add a picture to a download


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1 hour ago, Joel R said:

Once you upload multiple photos to Screenshots (not the file description), you should see a small gray radio button in lower left hand corner of each image.  Choose the image you want as primary.  

I guess he needs to add the screenshots to the file description. IPS doesn't allow this.

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2 hours ago, wasserlasser said:

If I add it to the file description it does not show either as a picture in the overview.

That's because the file description is not the same as screenshot.  They're two separate fields and that is intentional by design in IP.Downloads.  You shouldn't be adding your pictures to the file description anyways; your images should be uploaded specifically to the Screenshots record, which is from where IPS will pull the images.  

As I stated before,  File Actions > Upload a New Version > Screenshots.

You'll see that once you upload your images to Screenshots, you can select an image to "Make this your primary screenshot".  

If you are uploading an image to Screenshots and it's not displaying, then that's a problem and you should send in a Support Ticket.  But if you're adding an image to file description, you're doing it wrong.  


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