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True multiple attachments yet?

Guest skysober

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Ok, PHP only... fair enough.

How about the rest of what I asked? i.e Why IPS chose to allow only two possible handlers, neither of which is acceptable to many, if not most, Webhosts? Are these the only two aviailable? (If so, that would surprise me.) Doesn't PHP offer any routine(s) to provide an upload progress indicator?

And if this isn't resolved and you add multi-attachment upload capability, the need for a progress indicator of SOME kind becomes much greater, wouldn't you agree?


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If so, that would surprise me.

Consider yourself surprised I guess. I'm honestly not...especially considering that PHP isn't developed to work in a multi-instance environment (it's go here, do this, exit and forget).

What you are mad at them about really is the limitations of Browser-side form+upload handling in general. Even with the upload progress manager, you don't get beyond the limitations within PHP on upload size and max execution, You don't get around the fact that Javascript cannot do anything worthwhile with the upload/file form items, and you don't get around the fact that HTTP (among other things) is sent across Internet Protocol and, as such, suffers all the data loss issues involved (which is one big reason for shorter upload sizes and/or spurts...less size means fewer packets which means less chance of corruption during transfer).

If you really want something better, go yell at the javascript/jscript board guys to allow access to the local files through javascript when using the form+file fields (good luck ;)). Unless javascript takes on caring about approving access to "sensitive" materials innately, it aint gonna happen.

Things might change in the future though, especially with things like Comet changing how servers interact with the client. However adoption of those types of things are still long off imo (especially in a standard hungry web) and I don't blame IPS for it taking so long to be reality :P

@ RainbowViper... Yes this thread is about the IPB FORUM software which does not have an upload indicator. It may be something new in a later version of the forum software, (my personal last upgrade was 2.3.1), but many of us chose to stop purchasing 'upgrades' after so long of our plea's falling on deaf ears.

Yes, we constantly hear about PHP limitations, and how IPB doesn't want to utilize Perl or Java, (yet does already have some Java in their code...)

I have added an upload progress indicator with multiple attachments that was perl open source to a youtube clone and it works perfectly, but that is simple php code that is easily followed...) But being unable to figure out one iota of the coding to incorporate Perl or Java true multiple upload into IPB software is like having a bar of gold on an island that trades in sea shells...


Well.... I learn something new every day. I already knew of the size limits. But most of my uploads, from me or my friends, are native-res digital pictures in the 2-4 MB range. They transfer fine, it's just a guessing game for whoever is uploading them. My friends are all in the, shall we say, mature age range? (I'm 53, to give you an idea.) I'm the most technically-inclined among them, but you can see how little I know compared to others here. I need something to reassure them that what they're doing, is actually working. A screen just sitting there, even with the "page loading" bar at the bottom of IE giving SOME indication it's transferring, mystifies them.

Yelling at the "jscript guys" would be like trying to teach a pig to sing: It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

If only PECL uploadprogress weren't in BETA....... Owell.

Thanks for all your answers.


@ Digi... I dunno... guess that entire folder just chocked full of .js files was an incorrect perception there was javascript or java being used...

I just don't understand why anything like true multiple attachements is frowned upon.

Like it was mentioned a year ago... "It's like taking the family to a car lot to test drive the new models. All the competition compare to a luxery car 4 door sedan and IPB is like the clown car with only one door that the entire family must crawl into one at a time..." ... and to add Vipers point, the clown car doesn't even have an odometer. hehe

but my added point in this thread is, is there a place where those who are skilled enough to muck through all the code, fix this major deficiency, and can offer it at a reasonable price?


@ Digi... I dunno... guess that entire folder just chocked full of .js files was an incorrect perception there was javascript or java being used...

JAVA is NOT Javascript! They contain similarities, but they are completely different in every single operational way. Javascript (as I said above) CANNOT accomplish what you want safely (or at all). JAVA can, but IPS (understandably) doesn't want to use another programming type.

I just don't understand why anything like true multiple attachements is frowned upon.

Hopefully now, seeing that java and javascript are not the same and with all the examples of problems posed throughout this thread to a non-php/html method, you understand why.

Yelling at the "jscript guys" would be like trying to teach a pig to sing: It wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

That's pretty much why I said good luck :P Every language has it's *headwall* effect. The fact that javascript decided to stay simple made it so popular, but also causes issue when you don't want simple (yet still want cross browser compatibility).

If only PECL uploadprogress weren't in BETA....... Owell.

There's a lot of awesome things in Pecl I wish were more widely available and not in beta :(

Ah, I too like many confuse that Java is different than Javascript... There are thousands of Java programs that do true multiple uploads and even has a progess indeicator built in! (amazing that such a feature is so popular ;) ) i.e. http://www.radinks.com/upload/applet.php and such a simple program that a user can choose to install, and it utilizes Sun Micro Java, a standard that even fizzlefox browser can handle, let alone explorer.

JAVA is NOT Javascript! They contain similarities, but they are completely different in every single operational way. Javascript (as I said above) CANNOT accomplish what you want safely (or at all). JAVA can, but IPS (understandably) doesn't want to use another programming type.

As to JavaScript... http://the-stickman.com/web-development/ja...e-file-element/ was just one of hundreds I found that works on fizzlefox and explorer... (browser compatible.)

Thanks for that Rad Inks upload link! I'll check that out. That may help me. the stickman link is timing out for me, though.

The forum at which I'm an Admin uses "Upload Lite" (from http://www.perlscriptsjavascripts.com) for the users to transfer files to us. No progress meter, but it's worked for us (IP Board 1.3.1). It could be used in place of IDM, I guess, though it would be ugly.

This issue takes a back seat to some of my other problems, though, so I'll just *sigh* and move on, then keep an eye on this thread for any developments.

I appreciate the help you all managed to scrape up on this.


The stickman site is very slow to load, as I just checked it to see if perhaps I made an error in the link, but it does work. Of course a google search for javascript multiple uploads is what I used to find it. I waded through the thousands of hits, and found about 100 that looked good.

I just wish I knew enough to incorporate it into the forum software... But if you are back at 1.3.1, even if you are able to get it to work with yours, that was back when the software was readable and one could trace through and make mods fairly easy. After 2.1, IPB might as well have simply encrypted it, as that would be easier to work with - lol

I too will post in here if I find out anything elsewhere too! There are about 300 + threads I follow all over the net, all working to get true multiple attachments back into IPB, but so far no luck. Many have quit purchasing the upgrades, giving up on IPB to fix it and they no longer come into this site, so it seems like I am one of the few registered members left here still pleading for it. While I am most definately the loudest in this plea, I will also be the loudest when it finally does work the way the people who purchase the software want it to work and the members need it to. ;)


Digi has pretty much summed it up. We are working within a restricted environment.

If we could move to perl, flash or java then sure! Upload progress meter would be no problem at all, as those languages allow access to the *raw* data being sent across the wire (and thus you can determine the progress). PHP has only just implemented hooks for this in PHP 5.2, and the PECL extensions referenced previously are the only ways presently to use these hooks in PHP at this time. So, while they are in beta and somewhat buggy, we have little options outside of using other languages.

The multi-upload discussion is/should be separate from the progress meter.


As to JavaScript...


was just one of hundreds I found that works on fizzlefox and explorer... (browser compatible.)

That doesn't do anything like what you are asking and provides no upload indication. All it does is hide the filled file inputs until the entire form is processed (i.e. you hit submit). Because of this, it does not get around all the limitations posed above by using multiple file upload input fields on a form. So while it may be "cleaner" looking, it is just as bad as listing them all :)

As for your JAVA references, yes, they seem easy. However you'd be surprised how much of a usability issue requesting a user to install a java applet, flash script, or anything supplied by a third party provider can cause. Especially since none of those items are installed on a computer by default. If the user happens to go to an IPB forum before they ever install the java run-time, they now have to go to sun, download the run-time, install it, and then (after a browser restart) dot he upload. All for an upload indicator? :P

hehe.. I really don't know how the focus came to a 'progress upload indicator' that would be nice addition, but I'd be happy getting the members need of true multiple attachments and if it happens to have a want in it, than that is just a bonus.

This should be entirely about getting true multiple attachments finally into the forum software, where a member can simply choose the files prior to uploading, walk away, and let the computer do the work.

@ Digi.
You said that isn't what I was asking for? I can drag 10 photos at once into that, hit submit, and it uploads them. That is EXACTLY what the members want. They do not care if it doesn't really send all the files at once, back to back, or properly one at a time, they just hate babysitting uploads for 10-40 minutes!

I personally do not care if it has an indicator built into it. If one wants an idiot bar (as some call it, not I, ) there is one built right into explorer and fizzlefox. Besides, the cute little animated gif that IPB changed to when they 'upgraded' the uploads format is so cute, it could keep a Mensa Genius occupied for hours just watching it - hehe...

If the user happens to go to an IPB forum before they ever install the java run-time, they now have to go to sun, download the run-time, install it, and then (after a browser restart) do the upload

Sorry, people cringe when they have to reload windows, because they know they have to do all the updates from microsoft, and they also know the second they start their browser, they will need to install java and flash, as so many sites use it.. But that does NOT affect using true multiple attachments as an OPTION, which would please everyone.

And while I am not talking about the progress meter in this example, the ttVideo mod has one built in that works quite well, it is where he had the foresight to offer an option for users if they had difficulties.. In example, it's that OPTION that a member could use if they CHOOSE to, which could be given in the same way for true multiple attachments...

@ Digi.

You said that isn't what I was asking for? I can drag 10 photos at once into that, hit submit, and it uploads them. That is EXACTLY what the members want. They do not care if it doesn't really send all the files at once, back to back, or properly one at a time, they just hate babysitting uploads for 10-40 minutes!

You should really only reply to what I replied against. I'm not talking about the Java app, I'm talking about the javascript script you linked to. It has no drag/drop capabilities. ;)

Sorry, people cringe when they have to reload windows, because they know they have to do all the updates from microsoft, and they also know the second they start their browser, they will need to install java and flash, as so many sites use it.. But that does NOT affect using true multiple attachments as an OPTION, which would please everyone.

You also forget that anytime java (or any script for that matter) needs to access the local file system or something that needs to be secured that it also asks for permission. This is the other key obstacle that is actually more hated than installing 3rd party apps. You can say "Oh I'm sorry you reloaded windows" all you want. I actually forbid the installation of many 3rd party apps because they do too much "extra" to the PC (such as installing files for extras even when you tell them not to) and aren't widely used. There are lots of people just like me. There are lots of people that use multiple computers too. What about cell phones? A java attachment app would be widely unusable still to a phone environment, but the ajax system in place now works fine.

All of these things and more are the sides of typical application development that you aren't seeing and I, partly, have been trying to show you.

And while I am not talking about the progress meter in this example, the ttVideo mod has one built in that works quite well, it is where he had the foresight to offer an option for users if they had difficulties.. In example, it's that OPTION that a member could use if they CHOOSE to, which could be given in the same way for true multiple attachments...

More choices means more difficulties with usability. You can say it should be a chose all you want. Just as I have in this topic. YOU have a choice to modify your forum all you like to include a JAVA application to handle multi-upload operations. ;) However, as it has been said so far, IPS will largely be waiting for a more acceptable, non-3rd party solution if they can help it. Which I don't blame them for doing at all. Especially since the system in place now works for a majority of their clients.

You should really only reply to what I replied against. I'm not talking about the Java app, I'm talking about the javascript script you linked to. It has no drag/drop capabilities.

Strange, I WAS talking about the javascript one... as I DID drag and drop just fine into it 3 photos. (just like it states it is preset to allow only 3 ;) ) yes, I said JAVASCRIPT and yes, just in case I just now retested and amazingly, it still works ;)

I actually forbid the installation of many 3rd party apps

I agree there. With the exception to Sun Java and Macromedia Flash, which I insure is installed on all my PC's. Yet java WAS actually a part of explorer for a few years under Sun, then MS made their own, then the fight, then and so on, so now it is just automatic site send users to Sun automatically. Of course it is always an OPTION if they choose to install it... Most good sites offer an alternative native html if one does not wish to install Java. (and you are telling me honestly you do NOT have Java installed on your PC's? :) ) But the focus here is where IPB seemed Javascript is okay... and that is what I am pointing to. :P

What about cell phones?

We actually use the PDA skin on our sites, and I like about 5% of the members access the site via this. Of course my phone is a simple sprint flip phone that has java (not javascript,) built into it... It works, albeit I have to scroll right sometimes as the screen is not full PDA size. Let alone I can use mini Opera (a java based mobile browser,) or Openwave which converts quite nicely 76% of all websites without modification to the websites code... (It does not handle flash ;) ) As to ajax, my phone can NOT handle it, and it gives a page handler error each and every time. But then my Muzik phone is almost 2 months old, so probably obsolete.

since the system in place now works for a majority of their clients.

Many of those whom chose to purchase the latest upgrades may even agree. I don't have to wonder how many did not upgrade or chose not to purchase IPB, as I hear about it every day from so many whom who have left IPB for any of the free or commercial packages out there that do offer this. I choose not to loose all I have invested in IPB and just throw it away... If my car had cruise control, then I trade it in on a newer model of the same type and find out it doesn't have such a standard item, I don't throw the car away, I simply let the manufacture know they need to get a factory add-on (not necessarily a third party,) to bring it back up to standard ;)

Just like the poor way IPB used to handle storing attachments... We had a bit over 740,000 attachments in one folder. (we have reduced that to just over 240,000 now... It was this where IPB mentioned the possibility to program file storages into monthly folders... There is always hope. There will always be someone whom will recognize a problem or potential improvement, and that is where customer input and requests come into play.

... and Digi, you mentioned how easy it would be for you to make a mod to do all of this... As I stated, you are a prodigy, and well experienced 'independant' programmer. So why do you not offer this mod, even if for a reasonable price? Then since you say it would be so easy, it would also not only shut up the many whom have been screaming for this over a year, it would show absolute just how many are even willing to pay, to bring IPB up to standard, as well as line your pockets a bit in the side benefit :P If it is written so it will work with IPB's latest software, IPB would even benefit, as many decide it is now worth the upgrade. XD

While I'm sure multiple attachments are important to you mgalyen, I can assure you that this is NOT one of our most requested features by any stretch of the imagination. ;)

In fact, out of all of our customers, I think this topic (and maybe a small handful of others over the course of a few years) have popped up asking for it. Again, technology is the main limiting factor. You cannot do true multiple attachments reliably with PHP given the vast number of users we service. Our current method is a compromise in that matter.


oh? a handfull? hahaha... well so long as IPB continues to delete those posts it will remain that way... I suspect this one here will too go into the trashcan soon as well. Of course we won't mention the outside sites that number in the hundreds which discuss this either :P

But even IPB statistics can NOT be changed unless IPB removes the mods from their own sites, not even counting the downloads from Deans original site....


downloads 1,146

hmm... seems a 'handful' wanted it... LOL


That modification is for IPB 2.0. Which means it has been available for download for, oh I don't know, maybe 3 or 4 years. 1000 downloads in 4 years is not a lot.

This file has more downloads and has only been available for 4 months.


And no, we don't just delete topics despite what you may have heard. :rolleyes: I have no problems discussing a feature. But again, while it's important to you, you have to appreciate that we listen to thousands of requests, all of which are important to the person requesting them, and not always are the features what "everyone" wants.


Strange, I WAS talking about the javascript one... as I DID drag and drop just fine into it 3 photos. (just like it states it is preset to allow only 3 ) yes, I said JAVASCRIPT and yes, just in case I just now retested and amazingly, it still works

What are you talking about? :huh: Is there a link to another JAVASCRIPT script floating around that I missed? Thinking I was retarded, and completely off base, I went back to that script. At no time is there any "Drag and Drop" functionality. It works exactly as I explained in my initial response. You choose browse numerous times and it hides the file input, and adds a little div to delete the file. It's that simple.

and you are telling me honestly you do NOT have Java installed on your PC's?

I'd rather not because of how much it hogs my resources, but I hate other apps more (mostly because they tend to be more annoying when used on webpages). So yes I have java installed.

As to ajax, my phone can NOT handle it, and it gives a page handler error each and every time. But then my Muzik phone is almost 2 months old, so probably obsolete.

Let's not forget windows mobile phones that actually don't suck when it comes to web-browsing :P Sure, one could argue IE sucks in general but, in the case, it blows a lot of phones out of the water ;) Anyway, I digress.

Just like the poor way IPB used to handle storing attachments...There will always be someone whom will recognize a problem or potential improvement, and that is where customer input and requests come into play.

Wow...something we can agree on. :P However, I've seen improvements come through requests just like this. Sometimes you really do just have to weigh the option in development. That's all I've really been saying. :) If "Points" (a far more popular than this idea) really had the massive draw people like you think it does (based on the small portion of IPS's customers that are predominant on this, and other, sites related to IPB) IPS would put it in. Just like they did an upgrade to the attachment program in the first place, or just like they added html logic and advanced skin techniques to the skinning system (I could go on forever :P )

... and Digi, you mentioned how easy it would be for you to make a mod to do all of this... As I stated, you are a prodigy, and well experienced 'independant' programmer. So why do you not offer this mod, even if for a reasonable price? Then since you say it would be so easy, it would also not only shut up the many whom have been screaming for this over a year, it would show absolute just how many are even willing to pay, to bring IPB up to standard, as well as line your pockets a bit in the side benefit. If it is written so it will work with IPB's latest software, IPB would even benefit, as many decide it is now worth the upgrade. XD

That's possible... However, as time has progressed on this idea, I've seen it in many forms. Most of which I find a rediculous backward step in usability (not that the current system is the pinnacle of it or anything). So, even if this were something I'd want to pursue, there isn't really a concensus on what is best in the eyes of those requesting it and it would be hard to make continual profit off of it (not that I am all about profits). In any regard, I'm always available for custom services, and it wouldn't be hard to integrate a java app to replace the ajaxian methods used now. ;)

And just to be clear, I'm not fighting improvements on usability to this module. I think it needs it. I also think a lot of IPB is too reliant on javascript and CSS for display (because of this it also adds a lot of "necessary" (x)html) which hurts the ability to digress or even properly redesign for things like WAP (this module is one of the worst in this case).

What I would really like to see is:
  1. [*]The attachment area should degrade to a single
file input field when javascript is not present. Logic should be in place to prevent the appearance of the upload button when javascript isn't available (i.e. javascript should actually create the button). This button should also use xhtml's form input type="button" or "image" for accessibility, standard compliant reasons (will make your js easier too :P ), and simply semantic reasons. [*]Upon upload the file input should be immediately hidden and, after javascript validation against the attachment passes, the attachment added to the area mentioned in item 3. The file input should be replaced immediately with a new one for further inclusion of attachments. [*]Remove the javascript dropdown thing that contains attachments and move back to each attachment being visible on screen during the process. This area could be made scrollable if preserving screen space is important, but personally I think the scrolling would cause it's own usability issues. The best method (to prevent screen location alteration upon submit) would be to add the attachment list after the attachment form (screen won't jump this way unless a new scrollbar is added), and in reverse order of uploads so that the last upload made is always on top. [*]For each attachment that is processing a status indicator should be present. Pre-upload progress indication you could use the please wait swirly thing you have now to denote that it is in progress of some sort. When the ability to reliably track progression is available, this should be replaced with a status indication of said progress. In both cases, when the upload has completed successfully it should show this blatantly. On error, the ability to simply "re-upload" should be available in addition to delete. [*]Topic reply form should be disabled from submitting until all uploads are complete. Indication (through humanized text) that this is the case should be extremely visible otherwise users will get frustrated easily. [*]And, for technical considerations when the multi-uploads is present (js is available), consider the use of object to replace iframe (also going to make it easier for you to control the display of without so many hacks ;) ).

@bfarber. 1000 + downloads in 3 1/2 years... but it has not been 'usable' in well over a year... So a bit more realistic is 500 + per year... more than twice a day... and as I stated, that is just on the IPB offical mods area ;) It does not include the 1000's of downloads direct from Dean's site :) I have never said it is the most popular... but quite obviously it is not the least and it is not just a handful either...

and yes, topics have been deleted. I especially remember one thread where a customer whom was so upset he used profane words about the lack of this feature that he blew up when he read the IPB's favorite term of bloatware one too many times, and the next time I viewed the thread, his nick had a - before and after :ph34r: and soon after that the 16 pages of what many valid members input into that topic were simply removed...

@ Digi. I dunno... I followed what it said to do... I take three photos on the left of my monitor, drag them all into the [_______] Browse... and it uploads them all...

Windows mobile phones make up .075 percent of the cell phone market. Iphone Browser .1 percent (stats computerworld Feb08) Let's hope OpenSource adds Java and Flash and it will make 95% of all web browsing cellphones compatible ;)

However, as time has progressed on this idea, I've seen it in MANY forms

again, just another affirmation that it is a feature that many desire... perhaps YOU could set a standard for this - hint hint.

and to what you would really like to see, I agree with 100%...

In any regard, I'm always available for custom services, and it wouldn't be hard to integrate a java app to replace the ajaxian methods used now. wink.gif

So does this mean you will make a true multiple attachment mod? costs? Will you make it avail on your site? ( would need to know where, so I can inform others, as so many no longer come into the IPB area because they gave up and chose not to upgrade...)

and since the two most famous and great modders of the past, Dean & bfarber - both whom were worshipped and praised for making IPB work like site owners wanted and needed... well one has pretty much given up and dissappeared and the other - well I seem to recall a LOT of excitement and joy knowing he was going to work for IPB itself so we might not have to install as many mods to bring the forum software up to todays forum needs ;)

@bfarber. 1000 + downloads in 3 1/2 years... but it has not been 'usable' in well over a year... So a bit more realistic is 500 + per year... more than twice a day... and as I stated, that is just on the IPB offical mods area ;) It does not include the 1000's of downloads direct from Dean's site :) I have never said it is the most popular... but quite obviously it is not the least and it is not just a handful either...

Just a couple points, the site you linked to was not the IPB official mods area, this is. And I don't think you can back up your statement about the mod having thousands of downloads at Dean's site, considering he has no IPB 2.0 mods in his downloads system, and he has never released an update of that mod for any later IPB version.

It should also be noted that Dean made that mod when IPB's attachment system was much more basic than it is now, with the attachment system we have now there hasn't been much call for any changes to it. So I would say yes, there really are now only a handful of people who need anything other than what they have now.

So does this mean you will make a true multiple attachment mod? costs? Will you make it avail on your site? ( would need to know where, so I can inform others, as so many no longer come into the IPB area because they gave up and chose not to upgrade...)

It means you could contact me personally to make the modification for you, if you want it, at a price. As Michael explained, I don't see enough market in a pre-made modification for this instance for many of those reasons. :P

@ Michael. Yes, I vaguely remember that area of mods... yet it was a restricted area and even when I was a paying customer, I was unable to ever figure out how to get into it, as it used email only for login and trying to remember what email I used of the 17 I have, etc. So simply chose to go back to the easier to browse one that utilizes a username and was created for IPB owners prior to that one...

(I did notice while scanning through there just now with a search for D2 mods, (and anyone can browse there...) I viewed a couple of his mods being upgraded for use on new versions without his permission, but with a note Dean can request it be removed if he does not approve, in the posters excuse to bypass his license because Dean is not around anymore...)

And yes, he has not been around basically since 2007... and he (or whomever is now running his site if not him,) removed the D2-Multiple Attachment Uploads after that appeared to take over his entire site with people requesting it to be updated, as IPB did incorporate a lot of his other mods features into the upgrades ... )

@ Digi. Thanks, but with hiring you to make a mod, and your average cost of $500 + for a project, I can only be resigned to the fact that this 'extra unwarranted' feature, that is available warranted in all of the competitor forum software free and commercial, will be requested and awaited on probably for years more to come.... :( I've already paid IPB hundreds of dollars in purchasing the software and licence(s)


Yes, but one can argue that it is easier for more people to want something that was recently taken away, rather than something that doesn't exist yet (or hasn't for a large period of time). The same people came here complaining that the attachment system was upgraded and broke the mod...simply because they wanted the mod :P

P.S. I read through that JAVASCRIPT page again. There's no mention of dragging and dropping, but I tried it anyway. I also tried multi-selecting after I hit the browse button. Regardless of what I tried, the most that happened was that my files were kicked back at me to be downloaded (which was odd...). So I'm thinking you are looking at something else. Please provide a link to what you are looking at so I know we are on the same page...

This is what I'm testing (and the only javascript uploader I've seen you mention...)


the same people came here complaining that the attachment system was upgraded and broke the mod...simply because they wanted the mod

hehe.. nah, I can't believe they complained, remember it is a feature only I want, remember? hehehe

augh! As to the link I gave you are so right there Digi! I was using the Java link I had mentioned and it had the progress bar built in. The javascript one listed is where one must browse and add 3 and then it will upload all three. (still a good thing which would satisfy at least 98% of the hundreds whom have been asking for this - even if not drag and drop... :) )

or http://forums.devnetwork.net/viewtopic.php?t=30375

Other links I was reading on this: http://vinayakshrestha.wordpress.com/2007/...s-upload-trick/
which addresses security AND how to trick it into sending one file at a time so no time outs AND still make it appear it is sending multiple so the user doesn't have to babysit forever uploading one at a time manually... (but remember this is impossible in javascript... :) )

I had already reject the simple javascript code from http://forums.devnetwork.net/viewtopic.php?t=30375 as offering it, as it looked like it had no thoughts for security - but then what do I know - lol... I am just the guy who buys the car and drives it, not the engineer who designed it ;)


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