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Everyone here at Invision Power Services, Inc., (IPS), the company that makes Invision Community, is happy you have chosen our system to power your Community! We are very proud of what we do and enjoy helping our clients grow their Community.

Let's first go over general terms and concepts in Invision Community.

General Terms

No one wants to read a glossary of terms so we will keep this short but it's important to know what we are talking about when we use a term or abbreviation.

AdminCP/ACP = Administration Control Panel which is the backend control area of your Suite

Member = Any user account in the system

Member Group = Control permissions and settings for members assigned to that group. All members are part of one or more member groups.

Guest = Someone who is browsing your community but is not logged in

Admin = A member who is in a group or otherwise has permission to access the AdminCP

Moderator = A member who has permission to perform any sort of control over other member's posts on the front end

Permissions = Throughout the Suite you will see permission options and be presented with a huge selection of checkboxes:


Permission Matrix

These permission checkboxes define what each member group can see or do within the area of the Suite you are working with at the time. The columns define the various options.


You will often hear us refer to the applications or apps in Invision Community. This may be referring to our primary applications (Forums, Blogs, Gallery, Pages, Commerce, or Downloads) or the ability for you to add third-party applications.

Cloud vs. Self-Hosted

We offer both a hosted, cloud-based service for Invision Community or a downloadable, self-hosted license you can run on your own server.

There are some more advanced functionality and server-level requirements that may not apply if you are using our cloud services. When something does not apply to cloud it will show like this in our documentation:

Applies to self-hosted customers only

Example text that only applies to self-hosted licenses.

So when you see that text you can safely ignore all the technical requirements there when you are on our cloud services.