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  1. Hmm yeah might be. We are using WPRocket Redis Object cache Perfmatters CloudFlare Ill run some tests and assume it makes the change but we just don't see it because of caching.
  2. Hi Marc All up to date although a patch appeared today that I have to implement. I mainly use Chrome which is all up to date. It appears this is not just in that area. I just unchecked permissions for seeing a forum and went back in and none were saved. But then if you leave it a bit and then go back in they are all saved. It's an odd one. It's like a delay to me seeing the change happen.
  3. Hi Guys If I change this "post must be approved" to be unchecked and save it and then come back in the setting has not been saved? I've tried this multiple times in various groups. Is there a delay in making the change the Db accepting it or something or is it a bug?
  4. Strewth never knew that's what they look like.
  5. Hi Guys Just noticed this IP address being obfuscated post upgrade. is this caused by my AVG on my laptop or is it an invision thing? Not seen it on any other members Cheers Mark
  6. Ah got yah. Ill try that also.
  7. Asked him today. We have URLs enabled
  8. Bugger. I tried deactivating our Wp-Admin redirect login plugin but yeah made no difference. This URL https://Our-Site/community/login/ still goes to a 404 page. Does Invision create a normal login page and also the admin login page upon installation? Could we have disabled the normal login page in settings? Could the SSO plugin be forcing people to have to have a Wp account and only login via that route?
  9. And the standard URL would be URL/community/login/
  10. We do have the WPAdmin login URL changed via a plugin. Is that what you mean?
  11. Hmm we have 404 for that path URL/community/login/ Do we have to create that page manually? Our normal users access the community via logging into WordPress and then within their course (LifterLMS) they have a link on the top menu to the community that takes them there directly. Thats fine and works for us but yeah these test users we don't want to create Wordpress and Lifter accounts for so were wondering what the direct login page URL is for users we create directly in Invision. Should add we are using SSO plugin
  12. The question is what is the standard URL path for the login page for Invision?
  13. Hi Guys Want to create some test accounts. What would the login page URL be if we create these as bulk by using .CSV? Admin CP does not work as I've tired that already. All our other users come via Wordpress with SSO but these ones we don't want to be or have Wordpress accounts and be in our CRM.
  14. I only have base Invision installed with Calendar. The only plugin I am using is SSO. Either way I have deleted both links and commentmeta and it's all still working 🙂
  15. Ill give that a try. At the moment Invision is working fine on the new Db with the new Db details. Ill now delete all the invision tables out of my WP database 🙂 and also delete commentmeta and links out of the Invision DB. Its actually not taken me too long to do this to be honest.
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