Custom Home Page Coding (Will Pay For Help!)
Hello! I've tried reaching out to many people through the Marketplace but never receive a response or if I do it's from some country with a language barrier. I'm looking to have the custom homepage I created coded out to be functional (See Attachment) I would LOVE if there is someone preferably US Based, but if not, that speaks fluent English that we can hire / pay to help get this done for us!
Coding Custom Home Page
Yes sir that would be great! I do not mind paying at all for the help. Can you please email me? kevin@ariusgroup.com
Coding Custom Home Page
Hello! I'm looking for some guidance as how to properly code out the custom home page we had created (See attachement) My questions are.. 1) We code this out in HTML, correct? 2) In the fields we have, such as 'Trending Topics' and 'Top Community Engagement' where do I find the placeholders that we're supposed to use to actually make that functional?
Customizing Forum
Thank you! Very helpful.. I got those added. On the 'Upcoming Events' block how do I actually add the items / events that I want to display there?
Customizing Forum
Hello, Couple questions about customizing our Forum.. 1) How do I change the background? It's currently the default light grey. I would like to upload an image to set as the background 2) How do I add custom fields to the right side? For example I want some boxes to show on the right side of the page such as Trending Posts, Active Users, etc..
Categories Not Displaying
I have the 'Category' set as 'Advisor News' The 'Discussion' set as 'Training' with 'Advisor News' as the Parent Still nothing showing..
Categories Not Displaying
Yes sir I have - Same way I set our other Community up but for some reason doesn't appear to be working at all on this one.. (See Screenshots)
Categories Not Displaying
I'm working on setting up our 2nd Community - I thought I had it figured out after the 1st but it apparently not.. I have the Categories Properly setup with the Discussions beneath them. Everything is available for both Public and Private / Admin view but the Forums are not displaying. I have no idea what the issue may be at this point... Any help here?
Main Dashboard
Thank you!!!!!
Main Dashboard
How do I make it the default app though? Where do I go to do that...
Main Dashboard
I see the option "Make default page for this folder" which I selected but the community is still defaulting to the forum page
Main Dashboard
Gotcha! Great help.. I found how to setup that up in my admin portal. Now for a couple more questions (Really appreciate this help) 1) How do I make that new 'Page' be the default page that displays when people first visit the community? Currently when they visit the community it brings them right to the 'Forum' page 2) If we code out a nice page in HTML is there a listing of placeholders we should use somewhere? For example, if we want the 'News' to be in one area, does invision have a %news% place holder. Same goes for 'Online Members' - If we want to code that in as well, how do we grab that certain piece of data from Invision?
Main Dashboard
I would like to setup a nice Dashboard / Community Home Page (Similar to the attached image) that has News, Announcements, etc.. with one of the sections being for them to click into the Forum. Currently when you go to the Community it just goes straight to the forum. How do I setup the main dashboard / homepage to be similar to the below image
Welcome Email Image Sizing
The welcome email we're receiving from new member signups has the logo image way too large (See attached screenshots) Where exactly in the admin portal do I go to adjust this? Also what is the proper dimensions I should have set on the logo for it to display properly in the emails..
Access Requests
I would like to setup our community to where when a new member visits it they need to fill out a quick intake form with questions such as are you an active member, what's the email address on your membership account, etc.. that our Admins will need to review and manually approve the persons access into the community (Based on the questions) Is this possible?
Kevin Carroll
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