Linux-Is-Best's post in I-frame codes are no longer working on my forum was marked as the answerI am sorry to tell you there will be no way to overcome this. Looking at your source, which is the state of Pennsylvania website, not all their site is using HTTPS. For example, if you try to visit http://www.dot35.state.pa.us/public/Districts/District2/WebCams/CAM02022CCTV26.jpg it works, but https://www.dot35.state.pa.us/public/Districts/District2/WebCams/CAM02022CCTV26.jpg does not contain a certificate (it is not HTTPS enabled). Since this is not your website, it is outside of your control.
Linux-Is-Best's post in How active gzip via htaccess? was marked as the answerAdd the following to your .htaccess file
# BEGIN GZIP COMPRESSION <IfModulemod_gzip.c> mod_gzip_onYes mod_gzip_dechunkYes mod_gzip_item_includefile.(html?|txt|css|js|php|pl)$ mod_gzip_item_includehandler^cgi-script$ mod_gzip_item_includemime^text/.* mod_gzip_item_includemime^application/x-javascript.* mod_gzip_item_excludemime^image/.* mod_gzip_item_excluderspheader^Content-Encoding:.*gzip.* </IfModule> # END GZIP COMPRESSION Or if you were using Nginx (for future reference), you would add this to your config file (nothing you need to worry about, since you are using Apache).
gzipon; gzip_comp_level2; gzip_http_version1.0; gzip_proxied any; gzip_min_length1100; gzip_buffers168k; gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript; gzip_varyon;
Linux-Is-Best's post in Images with link inside the post, open in new tab was marked as the answerHello @Karina Harumi
To have a clickable image:
Upload the image of your choice, then insert the photo in your post (you can do that but clicking on your attachment, which will add it into the post). Highlight your image the same way you would highlight text in the editor. While your photo is highlighted, click on the link icon in the editor, and add the URL of your choice. At the end of your URL, add the following, which will ensure that a new tab window will always be used /"target="_blank
Linux-Is-Best's post in Why does it take so long to upload images in Gallery? was marked as the answerHello @Odiss
Presuming you can confirm you are not experiencing any connection issues with your internet service provider (ISP), I would indeed assume this sounds like a hosting issue. Hawk Host is primarily a shared hosting provider, and many shared hosting providers oversell their resources. They (shared hosts in general) can usually do this successfully because the resources they promise will likely never be used to their maximum potential by most people. Using a "resell account" still means you are on the same principle. You only happen to have a few extra features that a standard shared account would not have, and it does not mean you have dedicated resources that a VPS (virtual private server) would provide.