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  1. Can someone help me with this please? can you in v5 set advertisements not be displayed in certain forums/sections? if so how, because I don't see that option in my trial v5 installation. Thanks.
  2. Thank you for checking. Will you follow up on a fix or I should complete a bug report?
  3. I can't find where in v5 settings we can explode certain forums where ads will not run.
  4. @Daniel F can you please take a look into the code I posted? Thanks.
  5. Thank you Mark. Encoding was indeed the problem. All good now.
  6. Thank you. No, actually for the video id part I did not do that. I will try something like this and see if it helps. Thank you. $zvideo_id = htmlspecialchars($zvideo_id, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
  7. Hello. I would appreciate if someone can provide some help with this. When i use the rest api to submit a database record/article I include media like images, video (youtube iframe embed). Now with youtube iframes what happens is that sometimes the video ids get cut, so I end up with an thml like this. Yu will notice that only 3 characters are preserved and the rest somehow get removed during the rest submission. This happens 50% of the time. Thank you. <div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo" contenteditable="false"> <div> <iframe allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="113" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/Hau" width="200"></iframe> </div> </div>
  8. Thank you Matt. Is there some data how the testing was done and how it is more accurate and reliable than what the users are sharing here. YEs, my post was based on the information in this topic. I am still on v4.
  9. I don't understand. v5 was presented to have major speed improvements which is big for us all. Here people share actual data and a more comprehensive explanation, reply other than "It really didn't" would certainly help here.
  10. is there a timeline when we will finally get an endpoint for it?
  11. Marc, no. That we can do in v4 too. I mean using the rest api to upload to pages media. I can access, upload, create folders using the web interface through this url domain.com/admin/?app=cms&module=pages&controller=media but in v4 I don't know a way to upload anything there using the rest api. So, I am hopping this is fixed in v5.
  12. Will it be possible in v5 to upload images to pages media files via REST? This was not possible in v4 and I hope it was addressed in v5. At the moment the media feature is largely useless to me without ability to use the uploaded files in pages. Thank you.
  13. Before v5 is released? Giving us at least a month or so before the release would help. Yes, but since I am on v4 i see documentation for my version. The question was about v5.
  14. Thank you Daniel. So, are there, will there be any documentation, explanations on these?
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