Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic
I'm trying to find out which programming language is used in the "expression" field. SQL, PHP, Javascript or something of your own? How can i get the date Today? I try this but its not work: date(member.birthday) = date(timestamp) I try many ways and variation but no success
Trophies and Medals - Supporttopic
Is there an expression list or documentation where you can see all the types of expressions available?
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
The problem has not been resolved after months. Key "ms_next_bank_interest" cannot be translated. If you translate it, the text disappears. Request for answer.
TeamSpeak Integration
@MrFisc why via PM? I have the same problem with TeamSpeak Integration on my Site. Invision Community v4.5.2 and latest Version from Marketplace TeamSpeak Integration 3.0.0 How: 1. Goto TeamSpeak Integration ACP > Settings > Snapshot 2. Click on "Create Snapshot" 3. Writed a Title and click "Create new Snapshot" 4. Than came this Error: But when i click on the Menu Snapshot he show me the created but the Date is wrong. I'm not shure he create the Snapshot correctly:
Chat Application ( Support Topic )
Is there anything new? Have you been able to find anything over the time?
Chat Application ( Support Topic )
- Members Shop ( Support Topic )
you can fix it?- Members Shop ( Support Topic )
If I don't enter any values, it's back. I tried to translate it into German. In my test I copied the original and entered it as a value. Then what happened to my first post happened - it disappears. I was able to translate the other side without any problems as you can see. I hope you understand my problem and hope to find a solution here.- Members Shop ( Support Topic )
Aloha, When I try to translate ms_next_bank and copy the English 1: 1 into the new language, the writing disappears and the block becomes invisible. Is that known and can someone help? - Members Shop ( Support Topic )
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