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  1. I'm trying to find out which programming language is used in the "expression" field. SQL, PHP, Javascript or something of your own? How can i get the date Today? I try this but its not work: date(member.birthday) = date(timestamp) I try many ways and variation but no success
  2. Is there an expression list or documentation where you can see all the types of expressions available?
  3. The problem has not been resolved after months. Key "ms_next_bank_interest" cannot be translated. If you translate it, the text disappears. Request for answer.
  4. StandbyGamer replied to MrFisc's post in a topic in Marketplace
    @MrFisc why via PM? I have the same problem with TeamSpeak Integration on my Site. Invision Community v4.5.2 and latest Version from Marketplace TeamSpeak Integration 3.0.0 How: 1. Goto TeamSpeak Integration ACP > Settings > Snapshot 2. Click on "Create Snapshot" 3. Writed a Title and click "Create new Snapshot" 4. Than came this Error: But when i click on the Menu Snapshot he show me the created but the Date is wrong. I'm not shure he create the Snapshot correctly:
  5. Is there anything new? Have you been able to find anything over the time?
  6. you can fix it?
  7. If I don't enter any values, it's back. I tried to translate it into German. In my test I copied the original and entered it as a value. Then what happened to my first post happened - it disappears. I was able to translate the other side without any problems as you can see. I hope you understand my problem and hope to find a solution here.
  8. Aloha, When I try to translate ms_next_bank and copy the English 1: 1 into the new language, the writing disappears and the block becomes invisible. Is that known and can someone help?