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  1. MythonPonty's post in After Update to 4.7.3 - my views doesn't count up was marked as the answer   
    I did this update manually by myself.
    1. First i took a look into the table core_view_update... Result --> nearly 195.000 unprocessed entries.
    2. Then i export the table entries into a csv file.
    3. truncate the table core_view_update
    4. group the entries in my csv file
    5. import the grouped entries into my forums_topics table

    Now i'll check the next days my tasks / cron jobs. At this moment it looked normally
  2. MythonPonty's post in http500 error - after changing PHP settings from 7.4.30 to 8.1.7 was marked as the answer   
    Thanks a lot...

    Everything is ok. I deactivated one app, and now it works. 
    I've contact Andy in his support forum for his app to fix this issue.