Everything posted by TAMAN
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Not a bug. I never added language strings for these words. but i can add it another time. Can i ask why would you need to translate these words! are you translating the app? 🙂
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Can you please take a screenshot of the setting? you should be able to see all apps, and the system app. note: i do not have commerce app installed,
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
I understand, it is just not possible. as i said your image needs to be exactly the same size as the slider container, otherwise there are no hacks or any methods to make that frame perfectly fit the container, because the frame is small and the container is bigger. maybe if we cut the image in half and then with css set each one on each sides of the container, thats the only css method i could help with. if you want it, cut the image in half and attach it in your reply, i will try to do some css hacking for you lol
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
It should be in repeat mode. because textures are usually small and needs to be repeated to fill the whole area If you don't want that, then you would need to upload a big texture the same size as the slider container so it fits. otherwise, how would you fit a small image in a big container without repeating it? 🙂
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Hello, thanks for letting me know, I just updated the app, please re-download and update 🙂 Do you mean the whole content? if so then it can easily be done with css. The texture needs to be transparent, or make it transparent using any photo editing app like photoshop for example it can also be edited with css i can help on that if you want 🙂 Thank you.
Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]
Oh the title text! .fw_Content .ipsWidget_title {text-align: left}
Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]
.fw_Container .fw_Widget_inner {padding: 0} 🙂
Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]
Hello, Edit the forum you want to change the icon, there is a setting to upload an icon from there 🙂
Infraskew Theme [ support topic ]
Hello, Add in custom.css .ipsType_sectionTitle, .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_vertical .ipsWidget_title, .ipsWidget.ipsWidget_horizontal .ipsWidget_title{ background-image: url(); background-repeat: repeat; }
Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]
Christmas update -4.2.3: New tab has been added "Entertainment" included with Christmas Mode & Snowfall. There will be more cool stuff in this tab in future updates 🙂 -4.2.3: Minor improvements. --- @Steph40 There you go 🙂 After updating the theme, go to Entertainment tab and enable Christmas mode and the snowfall if you like Enjoy
Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]
I know right! Hhhh
Behemoth Theme [ support topic ]
Yes, its next in line 😉
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Yea, i like the idea a lot and i do want to start working on this feature, not soon tho because i started working on a new theme a couple days ago. I have been on a break for almost 4 months now due to personal life, Its only been a week i came back. Stick to copping/downloading your customized theme until i improve the palette in future updates. 🙂 cheers
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
You NEED to enable it 😉 Its in the settings and in Entertainment tab. Read the changelog note 🙂
Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]
Add in custom.css #ipsLayout_mainArea .adsbygoogle {width:100%!important}
Advanced Custom Widgets [ Support topic ]
Hi, Without a link i cant even suggest anything So, if you paste a link and explain the issue, im sure there are some workarounds 😉 Thanks for the review. 🙂
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
UPDATE 4.2.5 CHANGELOG -4.2.5: New tab has been added "Entertainment" included with Christmas Mode & Snowfall. There will be more cool stuff in this tab in future updates 🙂
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Sorry, conetent field does not support multi languages and I don't have any plans to add it, so I can't promise anything. Do you mean adding the slider as a widget? If so, no it's not possible
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Christmas mode is coming soon...
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Oh, no sorry i don't create ranks. You can google it, there are a lot of free ranks in psd and ready to use 😉 https://www.google.com/search?client=aff-maxthon-maxthon4&hs=yRw&affdom=maxthon.com&channel=t26&biw=1333&bih=607&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=bV75W49gxbaxAfPfiLgF&q=forum+rank+psd+free&oq=forum+rank+psd+free&gs_l=img.3...4316.7231..9310...1.0..0.149.365.0j3......1....1..gws-wiz-img.pQN0ltqw-mE
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
mmm, I see, this should not happen, have you made any changes in css? or can you check if it is same on default IPS theme? if it is same from default theme, then please submit a ticket. otherwise, i can check if you provide your site link 🙂 User bar is already there What is rank bar? 🙂
Swiper Slider [ support topic ]
Version 1.0.7 -1.0.7: You can now create sliders and select where to show more easily and all during the slider creation. All options regarding "Where to show, Excludes" in the Main settings has been removed or moved in during slide creation. -1.0.7: Fixed an issue with sliders leaving a big empty gap on pages that does not show the slider. -1.0.7: Minor bug fixes and improvements. -1.0.7: Updated Swiper Slider to latest version.
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Not possible without custom css Why do you need to increase breadcrumb?
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
You need to click this button when copy pasting text 🙂
Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
Hello, You have a setting for that in "Header & Menu" tab This is called special formatting, not a theme issue when you copy paste text/contents in editor it will come with all the formatting to look like same as where you copied if you don't want that, then you need to click on "Paste as plain text instead" when you paste the content otherwise, simply change the text color in editor 🙂