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Jason C

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  1. Jason C replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Figured it out, thanks! Once I set both values (thumbnail and max dimesnions) to unlimited, it did what I wanted. It appears the template (especially Invision Power's default article template) limits the max dimensions of the image anyhow, so I can upload larger pics for the frontpage listing with ease now.
  2. Jason C replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thank you! I only just discovered the plugin options (or how to get to them) just now (I'm new to IPS4). Another question for you, and apologies if this isn't something you can help with, but I'm wondering if it can be changed through the Pages Supergrid template. On IPB 3.4, it used to be that when you upload an article/record image, it would upload the image with its full dimensions to your server, then downscale for the thumbnail as it appears in the article/record. This doesn't seem to be the case in IPS4 as whatever the restrictions are on record images' thumbnails size, that's what you get (it saves the image directly as the thumbnail size specifications instead of uploading the source image's true dimensions). I thought changing the max image dimensions would change this, but it doesn't seem to (like shown below). My question is, is there a way using the template to have the record image thumbnail appear at its own certain dimensions in the actual record/article but also have the record image on the frontpage listing be shown at its larger, true dimensions (if the source image is larger than the thumbnail) instead of enlarging the thumbnail (which makes it look blurry)?
  3. Jason C replied to opentype's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi @opentype, How can I remove user icons on the articles listed on the frontpage template?
  4. These are my settings for what you mentioned. Also, no, I haven't made any changes to the CSS.
  5. Hi TAMAN, If I'm reading some of the previous posts on here correctly, does the slider not work with the last update (4.2.3)? I'm getting full page errors whenever I try to use it now. Also, my user bar shifted a bit when I used a custom width instead of going full-page. I know this would have to be corrected in the CSS, but could you explain the fix for it? Thanks.