Never mind, It has been so long I do not remember how this stuff works so I am just stumbling around. Disregard my rants. Understanding all this stuff was read difficult before my stroke, now trying to comprehend what the instructions are trying to explain is even harder. Even simple things for other are difficult for me to understand.
Well just DAMN..
I figured it out. All the notification settings were a great thing to look at but most of them are already checked on a members profile.
I found this!
So I went back into my test accounts (All 4) and I checked this box.
Then I uploaded a new version and what do you think happened???
YEPPER... I got four emails notifying me that there was a new version of the file.
Golly why could I have not spotted this 8 hours ago!!
Thank you all for the help. I have not upgraded my site for over 3 years so there is lots of new stuff I do not understand. Heck, There was lots of stuff I did not understand 3 years ago!.. LOL.. Now there is a ton more.
Best to all