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  1. I didn't switched stuff arround once someone reacted here. The thing that makes this messy is apperently the HTTPS redirect that gets blocked by the htacces files. Weve been running the same server since 15:00 ish. But I tried everything before that to sort this out.
  2. , that is just silly. Excuse my french. That took me way longer then needed.
  3. I see the forum is back online! Can I ask for a general idea of what youve done? And thanks alot, this has been driving me crazy for two days.
  4. Oke I haven't noticed that. Ill contact the owner of the domain to clear that
  5. I think its a custom one. Would be fine with updating it. Think its mostly own set colors? And thanks for the ACP that seems a whole lot better indeed
  6. If I am not mistaken SSL is enabled with a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https. And I disabled the Force SSL with https redirect. Uploaded the files. They look weird name wise is that normal? Quess so
  7. yeah correct I disabled the https redirects as per requested. Will turn that on. Ill see where that folder is
  8. Honoustly I didn't see where you asked it. I had to ask chatgtp to figer out that there even was a second file. So were having 2 .htacces files. Apperently something is off in the way they are made up and used. Hopefully you can figer out how to change them into something apropiate. (or tell me how to)
  9. And proofed my point here. Removed the htacces in the uploads folder and see what happens. But this is a security risk
  10. Repeating that over is not productive. But I am trying to figer out how you call stuff. Why a server running Ubuntu 18.04 with all outdated stuff including php 7.1 is able to run it. Where I transfer it to a new server it has issues. The folder locations, could there be a static positioning that has changed in between server versions? Like in a config file somewhere I dont know about? Like on: public_html/uploads/.htaccess Which says this:
  11. But it can be done, lets check another site on the exact same server; https://www.gc-elisabethshof.nl/
  12. Then tell me exactly what the requirements are. Because your software checker says my server does have all the required pieces of software installed.
  13. The problem is, other websites are running correctly, so you can say configer your server right, but when other sites do run right which also use advanced php scripts (wordpress etc) There is apperently something different in this software which causes this issue
  14. So you're telling me that you require the server to run mod_php instead of PHP-FPM? Cause thats something I can work with, but that would be quite silly. Since thats a depriciated libary
  15. This is the error log and it goes on all the way since the account restore.
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