Davyc's post in Rank Image size was marked as the answerI see it now - add this to your custom CSS file:
.cAuthorPane_badge--rank { width: 120px; height: 30px; } That should do the trick - if nothing changes use this instead:
.cAuthorPane_badge--rank { width: 120px !important; height: 30px !important; }
Davyc's post in How do you add a Clickable HTML hyperlink button ? was marked as the answerIgnore those instructions just download the zip file (scroll to the bottom of the page), but don't unpack it. Go to the ACP and head for Customisation/Editor/Toolbars (see below):
Once in there click the 'Add Button' button lol
Now you will see that you can upload the zip file you downloaded.
It will only take a couple of seconds to upload.
The button will appear in the tray at the bottom of the screen - just drag it onto the editor toolbar where you want it. Clicking on the button whilst in the editor toolbars section will allow you to set permissions as to where you want it to be used and who can use it.
You're done - next time you access the editor around the site the button will appear and you can add as many as you want to a page or topic.
Davyc's post in Code to add background color in WYSIWIG Editor in Pages App? was marked as the answerThis should do the trick - add to your custom CSS file and adjust the colour to suit 🙂
[data-blocktitle="WYSIWYG Editor"] .ipsWidget_inner { background-color: #ffffff; } You may need to add !important after the colour but before the semi-colon if it doesn't work first time.