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  1. Not sure why you need to feel sorry. I knew there was an alternative and hence this is not top priority for me and I really have not had the time to look at it with work commitments. I have done the PHP coding but cannot get the skinning to work and have not figured out why yet.
  2. It should do, not tried myself.
  3. no it will not work with 3.2.x hence the reason for the update when I find the time.
  4. I have started work on the update to this hook and have encountered a few issues with the skin side of the hook and cannot seem to find out where I am going wrong. I really do not have much spare time to spend on this due to work commitments but I will try whenever I can. So once again sorry but there will be no release this weekend.
  5. Sorry but I did not find the time to update this at the weekend. Will take a look as soon as I can.
  6. Yes it will be released this weekend.
  7. It works fine on my 3.1.4 install. Can you send me a picture clip of the hook settings?
  8. Did you switch it on in the ACP settings for the hook, if not it will not override it.
  9. Probably a bug, can you send me a screen shot of your settings and list of groups and I will take a look.
  10. Just install the hook in the ACP and configure the settings, there is no code to put anywhere.
  11. Of course it works but the purpose of the hook is so that you do not have to manually amend skin templates which is good when you have multiple skins or for those that do not like making manual changes.
  12. The hook uses the ibf_members table and therefore it is not possible to add guests to the list.
  13. Thanks I just replied. It should be fixed now and a new file has been uploaded.
  14. I really do not know why you have an issue. Can you send me the hook xml file for the one that has problems. Also if possible can you put back the version that does not work as I want to look at this on your site or just put it back temporarily and send me the source code (right click on index page and view/save source). The one from the 31st has a faulty span tag in the online list which is what has been corrected and seems to cause your issue. If you are comfortable editing the hook file (this is a php in the hooks directory on your site) then I can give you the change to make manually.
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