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Everything posted by Michael.J

  1. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Exact same single license policy that IPB4 has. I've sent you a PM to a demo board I've setup.
  2. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Logged and will be included next release. Have several confirmed bugs now, so a new release is not far away.
  3. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Check with IPS if you've got "ftp access" to your site. If you need help with applying the changes, let me know. If you don't have ftp access, then the only way to patch this is when the next version is released.
  4. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    For use with a HTML5 player? No not in this current version. I do have support for html5 videos in my Videos app, so if there is enough demand for it. It shouldn't be difficult to add it across. I'm not sure what you mean? Can you take a screenshot of the video and your topic form with your video settings?
  5. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Untested but possible solution for you to try out. Please let me know if it does work and will put together in next release. Open applications/form/sources/Form/Form.php Find: else if( $field->type == 'Poll' ) { $_display = NULL; } Add BELOW: else if( $field->type == 'Email' ) { $_display = $_value; }
  6. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What type of fields are all of those field values your using?
  7. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    My latest record says I sent a test bit of code via PM with no reply back. Any update on that? No reported issues yet but untested myself.
  8. Try this and let me know how you go. Open plugins/donatesidebar/widgets/donateWidget.php (The folder "donatesidebar" may be named differently.) Find: $form->hiddenValues['cmd'] = '_donations'; Add BELOW: $form->hiddenValues['lc'] = 'US'; Save.
  9. Just PM me when your ready.
  10. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    The next best option would be to select a forum in the settings so it pulls from a forums polls.
  11. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Already replied elsewhere but just in case. Can I get a hold of acp login details to look over this? Haven't encountered this error yet.
  12. Correct, will patch language next version. I did briefly explore to but couldn't get the css to do it how I wanted. I'll be looking into this when ever I update this next but for now, the download button/link is inserted after.
  13. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    It looks like this might be an issue with the captcha. About half way down this page is instructions on how to generate new keys. Let me know if you need further help. Another option would be to disable the captcha field for all member groups. When your in the acp forms area, you'll have an option to edit a forms "permissions". You could then disable the Guests group from having "Submit Form" permission.
  14. Would I be able to get admin cp login details? It might be easier just to modify the code a bit to display the original image if your really after quality.
  15. Try with 1 image to confirm is working, worse case I can rebuild the rest.
  16. Michael.J posted a post in a topic in Marketplace
    Allows members to add videos to new and existing topics. Included options for manually entering a support media url, integration with the Videos application or adding a placeholder image until a video is ready. v1 Features: Add any media url that IPB4 current supports. e.g. Youtube, Vimeo, Vine Select existing videos from the Videos application when installed. Add a placeholder image in place of a video. Select which forums will support topic videos. Select which member groups can both view videos and also add/edit topic videos. Enable/disable place holder images as well as restricting what file extensions and the maximum image dimensions. Optionally set a maximum video width dimensions.
  17. I've updated this plugin to include a fix for friendly numbers when loaded via ajax.
  18. This one controls the thumbnail size, Try doubling it and then uploading the images again.
  19. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I've updated it as it still doesn't make sense to me if I'm not using the mod perms extensions.
  20. What do you currently have set for your "Standard thumbnail dimensions" Collections setting? It looks like it might be a bit too low and reducing the image quality for the thumbnail quite a bit.
  21. I'll prioritize this bug so it's definitely included next version.
  22. Thanks, logged a bug report to be fixed next release. Will look for a patch if you needed this fixed sooner.
  23. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Please PM me and I'll put together some test code you can try out. I've got a rebuild for the embed code that I should be able to override.
  24. Michael.J replied to Michael.J's post in a topic in Marketplace
    I've noted this as a bug, IPB4 now removes column database changes so will include this fix in the next version. The Videos app should not be showing on this page. I've opened a bug report with IPS to see why this is happening. Edit: Please let me know if there were any further problem language strings and will include that in the next update.
  25. No not yet. I'm pushing for a transition from bug fixing to new features as soon as I can for all my apps/plugins.