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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. What's New in Version 1.0.3: Sort canned replies in alphabetical order
  2. I'll take a look for a new version in a few days.
  3. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Ok. I’ll call probably in a couple of days. Just finishing something here.
  4. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    No, sorry, I won't change the whole thing because one guy tells to his family the replies.
  5. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    If they're using same user, then there's nothing I can do. If they're using different users but one tell the other the replies, what do you expect me to do? 🙂
  6. Second call: Does anyone use the PAID link feature in this app? I am planning a total overhaul in this area; it will use packages, where you can set price, number of days, pin, feature, etc. I won’t support two similar features in same app so if this not widely used, I will drop it.
  7. What's New in Version 1.2.0: New Feature: Removes Commerce requirement for Giveaways: you will be able to use the app to create only Giveaways. For Raffles, you are required to have Commerce installed.
  8. Even didn't delete the files in the uploads folder, the column in DB is null, which makes the API to grab the image again. That's how it should work. I'll take a look in delete files from UPLOADS folder.
  9. Not sure this is related to the app itself. The rebuild image simply clear the link image column, so it got grabbed again with the current image provider. I don't see errors there. Something related to the cloudflare? Not sure.
  10. Why don't you change that? What difference does it make to you? If the image is already generated, it won't generate again. I'm working on a new version and won't be able to release a fix for this, if there's an error there.
  11. screenshotmachine checks if you're using secure connection (https): protected function getImageUrl() { $apiUrl = \IPS\Request::i()->isSecure() ? 'https://' : 'http://'; $apiUrl .= "api.screenshotmachine.com/?"; $apiUrl .= "&key=" . \IPS\Settings::i()->links_screenshotmachine_api; So no change is required. And the generated thumbnail is fine: But you only have 100 per month in the FREE plan.
  12. All PAID submissions will only become public after the credit card company (Visa, etc.) process and approves the payment. Payment can be denied for several reasons.
  13. Yes, since december:
  14. What's New in Version 1.2.2: New Feature: Add Clubs to apps nodes Fix: Add checking for deleted containers/members
  15. The error is about deleted containters (categories). I'll fix it.
  16. By clicking in Download this file link?
  17. Probably but I won't add this because 99% doesn't store localy.
  18. Not a good option. It generates fine the sccreenshot, quite small: And when I try to increase it, it requires upgrade to a paid plan:
  19. Ok. I'll add it and test it. I'll probably send you the app to test before I release on IPS.
  20. Btw, found this: https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-best-website-screenshot-capture-API-i-e-an-API-that-converts-a-URL-into-an-image-screenshot-of-the-web-page If you can see if there's any free, I'll add them.
  21. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What's New in Version 1.2.1: Fix error when sending email
  22. I would suggest you to use the manual upload feature: Edit templates will certainly break layout somewhere. You will have to edit templates/CSS, etc., which is unsupported by me. You are free to do, but you won't get help from me. I can tell you which templates to edit but that's all. You can also make some research and provide free services, if you find any. I can add them to the app.
  23. You can remove them in your install by editing templates. This is the same problem of the other reports: free service momentary down or whatever. You don’t want to pay for a paid service, which will probably deliver a better service. I wouldn’t expect a free service to be bulletproof all of the time.
  24. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace