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Adriano Faria

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Everything posted by Adriano Faria

  1. Compatible with IPS 4.4.
  2. Compatible with IPS 4.4.
  3. Compatible with IPS 4.4.
  4. What's New in Version 1.1.0: Compatible with IPS 4.4 only!
  5. Compatible with IPS 4.4.
  6. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    And I still can't reproduce. I can't even see the button that shows up in your screenshot: Shows up to me PURCHASERS... for you, ADD PURCHASE. I wouldn't waste more time and would uninstall it and reinstall it. Also, disable all other plugins related to Downloads and test this alone to determine if it's a conflict with something else. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The screenshots above is from IPS 4.4, so it is compatible with IPS 4.4.
  7. What's New in Version 2.2.0: Compatible with IPS 4.4 only!
  8. Compatible with IPS 4.4.
  9. What's New in Version 1.2.0: Compatible with IPS 4.4 only!
  10. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    What's New in Version 2.2.0: Version 2.2.0 compatible with IPS 4.4 only!
  11. I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking. Anyway, the goal of this app isn’t “copy” IP.Board 3.4 styles. It is to keep setting discussions posts as best answers.
  12. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Currently it has single-right answer questions. I will add multiple-right answers questions.
  13. Which IPS version are you using and which Raffles version did you install?
  14. I'll take a look for a future version, no ETA at all at this point due to IPS 4.4 release. In the meantime, accept a device: ask before you buy. It can save you from problems.
  15. It doesn't work like that. It was designed to add the content to the editor.
  16. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Just checked and it is using \IPS\DateTime::ts( $date );, which means it has to respect the date format. See 2 tests I just made: - Localhost, which uses English date format: - Online board: first post using ENGLISH language and the second using Brazilian Portuguese (PT-Br): It's working as expected.
  17. What's New in Version 5.3.0: Compatiable with IPS 4.4 only!
  18. I tested this and it is compatible with IPS 4.4. Pleasse, for any other resource, make a test and let me know if it doesn't work.
  19. Adriano Faria replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
  20. Have you test it? Does it need an upgrade?
  21. How this works? Is this automatic? Or do we have to change something in image call in templates? I see you mention a setting to show a blank image in some places. Tks.
  22. Send ACP credentials via PM. I’ll take a look in your board today later.
  23. It was tested in my dev board, my online board and in the client’s board who reported the issue. It is working. I wouldn’t release a version that doesn’t work. I will record a video in a couple of hours. Plus: Location field in profile? There was a mod that used a custom profile field. This one here has absolutely nothing to do with it. Make sure you are referring to my plugin.
  24. What's New in Version 1.3.0: Compatible with IPS 4.4 ONLY! New features: Cover photo for Raffles/Giveaways Scheduled Raffles/Giveaways: you can set a future date to the raffle/giveaway to be published Countdown to the Raffle/Giveaway expiration date Use a points system (Members Shop from @TheJackal84) as a way to participate in a Raffle/Giveaway Rework in the Raffles/Giveaways view template: prizes and participants presentation