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IP.Board 3.0.0 and Applications launch has been going great so far. We hope everyone who has already upgraded their installs to IPB3 is enjoying the new software.

Welcome to all the recent new customers and converts to IPS software and hosting. Everyone here hopes you enjoy your experience! Join in the community, get help from other customers or jump in and offer help yourself. You never know what interesting tips or resources you might find.

As I am sure most everyone has noticed, we also launched our new web site on invisionpower.com and the feedback there has been wonderful. We know there is some content missing and some broken links here and there but we are working on it. Also, the client area and order process is working but might not be very pretty in a few places :) so bear with us there. If you find anything wrong with the site please use the Tracker here to report. There is a category for the new web site.

A quick reminder to check IP.Board 3.0.0's requirements before attempting to install or upgrade. We will be maintaining the 2.3.x branch for those on outdated hosting providers who have not upgraded their server software.

We know that many customers are waiting on the Subscriptions Manager to be released so they can upgrade to IPB3. We sincerely apologize for this delay. The Subscriptions Manager update to be compatible with IPB3 is currently our number one priority. It is very close now. There will be an announcement as soon as it's ready.

Finally, we are working on 3.0.1 to fix any issues being reported. So far (knock on plastic wood-like composite) we have had no critical issues that impact huge numbers of installs but there are always issues here and there that impact installs on specific scenarios. Since 3.0.0 is brand new and a huge upgrade from 2.3.6 we do expect a few point releases to iron out any issue that come up from 3.0.0's first wide-spread usage. But don't worry, upgraded from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 will be very easy.

Thanks again to everyone!