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When editing a page or a post the existing formatting (bold, color etc.) will be lost.

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Invision Community Team

Testing this


It would seem I cant replicate this here. Is there a specific area you are seeing this?



We upgrade from latest 4.x to 5 today and we have the issue for existing posts or pages .. after pressing edit the formatting changes instantly in the editor window.

I also tried to create new posts .. there the edit function was fine but nor for existing / migrated content.


Invision Community Team

From what you have said there its older posts. This is because of the change of editor. If you edit an older post, it would indeed need to be formatted fully as you want it to be formatted



hmm ok then it is a feature not a bug :P .. so i have to check all my existing pages and take care when editing an older topic /post pre version 5 .. right ? ^^


Invision Community Team

Well, you can do it on version 5, you'd just have to ensure you format everything