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Connecting a Classic Community & Cloud Community

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I am currently looking at building connections between two communities but do not know where to start for this project. Both are niche sub-cultures in the same hobby and look to bolster the other in focused topics primarily as a information sharing knowledge base. Essentially one site is a "Wikipedia " and supported forum whereas another is a product focused community. One site needs to have data available on the other, how can I go about automating this? Does anyone have any examples? 

If I want users that sign up to one community to be able to access the other, I know this is possible but given one is self-hosted and another is cloud would that make any difference in the process? Should I have them first sign up to the classic community and have a shared database connected to the cloud community? 

I have many questions here, if you read this and it doesn't make any sense however I may not be able to clarify it much more than this. 

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Allowing login from one community to another can be done in the manner discussed here

When you refer to "data available on the other" are you referring to topics? If so, there is no way in which to have a shared database of topics across 2 sites

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I see, I guess to rephrase my question is if the master-slave relationship is still viable when one community is self-hosted and the other is cloud-hosted with Invision. 

Also between RSS feeds and REST API Integrations are there any other touchpoints that can be made between the two communities. 

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