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When upgrading the forum I got a warning that the theme's file core → global → responsive → data-lists.css was modified/customized. This is ok as I modified many files and when upgrading I merge them. However, I can't find the data-lists.css file in the theme's editor. I can always find all files to merge, but not this one. The only css file I can see on the CSS tab of the editor is the custom.css file. Here is a screenshot:

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IPS disabled access to core theme CSS resources.

I've made note about how it's a big inconvenience when trying to revert changes to core CSS files after upgrading, as even if these core files you aren't supposed to modify have been modified in a previous release, there's no longer an easy way to access these files in order to revert the modifications to it in order to be compliant outside of development mode.

There is a trick to get around this that I can find for you when I'm back at my desktop.

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Hi Makoto, thanks for your reply! Please let me know what trick you found that helps to resolve the issue.

I am ok in general with core css files being locked, but I need to:

1. Compare the data-lists.css I currently have with the original version to determine modifications.

2. Revert data-lists.css to the original version.

3. Apply the modifications to custom.css.

So I am currently stuck on the step 1.

@Alexander Yuganov When you're on the edit screen for your theme as shown in the original screenshot, add this at the end of the URL after the "&id=<your_theme_id>",


Then hit enter and you should have the data-lists.css file open in your editor. You can then just click the revert button, and it'll reset back to the default layout, or compare between the two files and see if there are any tweaks you may need to port over to your custom.css file.

I recommend making a backup in a local text editor before you revert, just in-case reverting breaks something in your custom template.

Also note you don't need to hit save after hitting revert, as doing this will just mark the CSS file as modified again.

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@Makoto Thanks. I tried it, and it does show the data-lists.css file. However, the Revert button appears disabled. I made it enabled via removing the ipsButton_disabled css class from it and clicked on it - however the operation fails with http 500 error.

Could contain: Chart, Plot

Edited by Alexander Yuganov

I'm not sure why IPS would be disabling that or preventing you from reverting it. I don't know if they changed something in a recent release or if this is specific to that file.

IPS will have to weigh in on this one. 

I don't think they watch this forum too much as it's for user-to-user help...  so you might need to ask it in the actual help forum.  

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