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Change of domain license key needs editing

Deborah Fowler

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We have changed the domain name from softbones.org/hhpandme to hppandme.org. I have changed the config file accordingly and can access the website/forums however there is an invalid license key warning which i guess is because of the domain name change. Can you please change the the license key domain info from softbones.org/hppandme to hppandme.org. 
Also if there is any thing else I need to change can you advise


Edited by Deborah Fowler
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If you have not reset your key in the last 6 months, you can do so yourself from your client area.  

  • Visit the Client Area
  • Find your purchase and choose "Manage Your Purchase"
  • Scroll down to "Licensed URLs" and click "Change Licensed URL".  (It will reset it to a blank value)
  • Copy your license key (down further on the page).
  • Paste it into the ACP for your site.  
  • Your new URL should show up in the client area after you've pasted the key into your ACP.  

Hope that helps!  

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